Установка OS max 21 на Inferno MP 7.5

Искал, искал и нашел 😃 Ибо родное сцепление не подходит

To install a pilot shaft motor such as an OS .21 RG you will need:
5X10mm ball bearings DTXC1535
Clutch bell IFW46
Clutch shoes & spring KC45
Engine mount spacer IF107
Engine mount IF108
Flywheel IF109
Pilot nut IFW54
4X10mm flanged cap screw KYO1154
4X6mm flat head screw KYO1121
3X10mm cap screw KYO1153 (order a total of two packages
3X6mm cap screw KYO1153 of KYO1153)

Источник www.southeastrc.com/Items/StdItemView.aspx?lookup=…

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