Submited By: Karen on 02/05/2009
The molding on this isn’t that good. The plastic does seem stiffer than the stock main gear. Note that this set doesn’t come with the proper one-way bearing. HeliDirect will tell you the stock one-way hub will fit, IT WILL NOT – and you will crack the main gear if you try to force it. Furthermore, even if you do manage to get it in using aggressive dremeling, the two gears stacked together will not fit in your Belt CP. In order to make these gears work, you need the one-way bearing provided in the FUP-103 kit. Only consider this a replacement set if you break the FUP-103 main gear. I’m slightly peeved that HeliDirect not only doesn’t make this clear on the website, but they will tell you over e-mail that this set does work with the stock bearing when it doesn’t. If this were a $30 item and not a $3 item, I’d me more grumpy – but as it is, I’m out $3 and two weeks shipping delay.
Только автор немного ошибается – в FUP-103 никаких one way bearing нету.
{"assets_hash":"a8b26fa7f6e768b07a72c8c9aadb9422","page_data":{"users":{"427765a43df955007779103e":{"_id":"427765a43df955007779103e","hid":7157,"name":"Слепой_Пью","nick":"Слепой_Пью","avatar_id":null,"css":""}},"settings":{"blogs_can_create":false,"blogs_mod_can_delete":false,"blogs_mod_can_hard_delete":false,"blogs_mod_can_add_infractions":false,"can_report_abuse":false,"can_vote":false,"can_see_ip":false,"blogs_edit_comments_max_time":30,"blogs_show_ignored":false,"blogs_reply_old_comment_threshold":30,"votes_add_max_time":168},"entry":{"_id":"4994195999707300770f868f","hid":6104,"title":"Неправильные шестерни на Belt-CP","html":"<p>Граждане, будьте осторожны!</p>\n<ol>\n<li>Засада номер один.<br>\nNEW Design Stronger Main Gears w/ Hub (2pcs - Black) - Belt CP<br>\nProduct Model FUP-103</li>\n</ol>\n<p><img class=\"image\" data-nd-image-orig=\"\" src=\"\" alt referrerpolicy=\"no-referrer\"></p>\n<p><a href=\"\" class=\"link link-ext link-auto\" data-nd-link-type=\"autolink\" data-nd-link-orig=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">…</a></p>\n<!--cut-->\n<p>Проблема – внутренний диаметр хаба настолько велик, что родная обгонка просто выпадает из него.</p>\n<ol start=\"2\">\n<li>Следующая засада, оттуда же (инфо из отзывов покупателей):<br>\nNEW Design Lower Main Gear (2pcs - Black) - Belt CP<br>\nProduct Model FUP-104</li>\n</ol>\n<p><img class=\"image\" data-nd-image-orig=\"\" src=\"\" alt referrerpolicy=\"no-referrer\"></p>\n<p><a href=\"\" class=\"link link-ext link-auto\" data-nd-link-type=\"autolink\" data-nd-link-orig=\"\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow noopener\">…</a></p>\n<p><strong data-nd-pair-src=\"**\">Submited By:</strong> Karen on 02/05/2009<br>\nThe molding on this isn’t that good. The plastic does seem stiffer than the stock main gear. <strong data-nd-pair-src=\"**\">Note that this set doesn’t come with the proper one-way bearing. HeliDirect will tell you the stock one-way hub will fit, IT WILL NOT – and you will crack the main gear if you try to force it.</strong> Furthermore, even if you do manage to get it in using aggressive dremeling, the two gears stacked together will not fit in your Belt CP. In order to make these gears work, you need the one-way bearing provided in the FUP-103 kit. Only consider this a replacement set if you break the FUP-103 main gear. I’m slightly peeved that HeliDirect not only doesn’t make this clear on the website, <em data-nd-pair-src=\"_\"><strong data-nd-pair-src=\"**\">but they will tell you over e-mail that this set does work with the stock bearing when it doesn’t</strong></em>. If this were a $30 item and not a $3 item, I’d me more grumpy – but as it is, I’m out $3 and two weeks shipping delay.</p>\n<p>Только автор немного ошибается – в FUP-103 никаких one way bearing нету.</p>\n","user":"427765a43df955007779103e","ts":"2009-02-12T12:43:05.000Z","st":1,"cache":{"comment_count":0},"views":1483,"bookmarks":0,"votes":0},"subscription":null},"locale":"en-US","user_id":"000000000000000000000000","user_hid":0,"user_name":"","user_nick":"","user_avatar":null,"is_member":false,"settings":{"can_access_acp":false,"can_use_dialogs":false,"hide_heavy_content":false},"unread_dialogs":false,"footer":{"rules":{"to":"common.rules"},"contacts":{"to":"rco-nodeca.contacts"}},"navbar":{"tracker":{"to":"users.tracker","autoselect":false,"priority":10},"forum":{"to":"forum.index"},"blogs":{"to":"blogs.index"},"clubs":{"to":"clubs.index"},"market":{"to":""}},"recaptcha":{"public_key":"6LcyTs0dAAAAADW_1wxPfl0IHuXxBG7vMSSX26Z4"},"layout":"common.layout"}