Hello there! Please provide me your Order ID number (If any) and request/concern briefly.
Hello, this order was mark like shipped on May 23. Then yesterday it become RESERVED.
Can you double check if my order was shipped
One moment please while I check your order.
Thank you.
T2650.6S.40 Turnigy 2650mAh 6S 40C Lipo Pack 6 Reserved
My sincerest apologies.
Hong Kong International Airport is conducting extra screening and creating delays on all orders with large batteries.
We advise customers to avoid ordering large Lipoly battery (above 2200mAh) for the next 14 days.
In some cases these parcels may be delayed at the airport for up to 4 days.
EMS/Air Parcel tracking will not show during this period.
HobbyKing is now finding other means of shipping method to help avoid these delays and increasing German and US warehouse stock.
We are in constant contact with ‘AVSEC’ the airport security company and will let you know as soon as the delays are solved.
This delay is just something temporary. We saw the same issue last year, and the year before.
Airport security gets tight for a few weeks, maybe to demonstrate to a government official visiting from out-of-town, and then returns to normal.
Your order has been shipped on June 5, 2010.
We will e-mail you the new Tracking number shortly.
Thank you so much for your patience.
Валерий, Вам хоть вежливо объяснили причину задержки!
А Московская таможня с почтой просто посылают “в задницу” без всяких
комментариев и объяснений: ждите!
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