CorelDRAW и CNCFoamCut


Для тех, кто только осваивает пенорезку, выкладываю макрос, переводящий чертеж из CorelDRAW в формат DAT, воспринимаемый программой CNCFoamCut.

Макрос экспортирует все выбранные (selected) кривые с активного листа в файл, при этом создает еще один лист в COREL.

Готов ответить на вопросы и рассмотреть замечания.

Attribute VB_Name = “CNCFoamCut”
Dim PointsX() As Double
Dim PointsY() As Double

Sub AllInOne()

Call Prepare

Call GetAllSelectedCurves
Call CreateAndFillNewPage

Call SavePointsToFile(GetPointsTXT, “”)

End Sub

Private Sub Prepare()

ReDim Preserve PointsX(0)
ReDim Preserve PointsY(0)
End Sub

Private Sub GetAllSelectedCurves()

ActiveDocument.Unit = cdrMillimeter

Dim PageIn As Page
Set PageIn = ActivePage

Dim sha As Shape

Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To ActiveLayer.Shapes.Count
Set sha = ActiveLayer.Shapes(i)
If sha.Selected = True Then
Call GetPointsFromShape(sha, i)
End If


End Sub

Sub GetPointsFromShape(sha As Shape, i As Long)

Dim crv As Curve
Set crv = sha.Curve

Dim nod As Node
Dim x, y As Double
Dim l As Long

For Each nod In crv.Nodes
x = nod.PositionX
y = nod.PositionY
l = UBound(PointsX)
PointsX(l) = x
PointsY(l) = y
ReDim Preserve PointsX(l + 1)
ReDim Preserve PointsY(l + 1)

l = UBound(PointsX)
ReDim Preserve PointsX(l - 1)
ReDim Preserve PointsY(l - 1)

End Sub

Private Sub CreateAndFillNewPage()

If UBound(PointsX) = 0 Then Exit Sub
If UBound(PointsY) = 0 Then Exit Sub

Dim PageOut As Page
Set PageOut = ActiveDocument.InsertPagesEx(1, False, ActiveDocument.Pages.Count, 210#, 297#)
PageOut.Activate = "Резка " & Str(PageOut.index)

Dim i, l As Long

l = UBound(PointsX)

Dim x, x0 As Double
Dim y, y0 As Double

Dim crv As Curve
Set crv = ActiveDocument.CreateCurve

x = PointsX(0)
y = PointsY(0)

Dim sp As SubPath
Set sp = crv.CreateSubPath(x, y)

For i = 1 To l
x = PointsX(i)
y = PointsY(i)
sp.AppendLineSegment x, y
Next i

Dim s As Shape
Set s = ActiveLayer.CreateCurve(crv)

End Sub

Private Sub SavePointsToFile(PointsTXT As String, name As String)

If PointsTXT = “” Then Exit Sub

Dim filename As String
Dim dirname As String
filename = ActiveWindow.Document.filename
dirname = ActiveWindow.Document.FilePath

Dim fullfilename As String
fullfilename = ActiveWindow.Document.fullfilename

Dim p1 As Page
Set p1 = ActivePage
name =

Dim k As Integer
k = InStr(1, fullfilename, “.”)
If k > 1 Then
fullfilename = Left(fullfilename, k - 1) + " " + name + “.dat”
Open fullfilename For Output As #1
Print #1, PointsTXT
Close #1
End If

End Sub

Private Function GetPointsTXT() As String

If UBound(PointsX) = 0 Or UBound(PointsX) = 0 Then
GetPointsTXT = “”
Exit Function
End If

Dim txtx, txty, txtxy, p As String

p = " "
txtxy = " 0.0000 0.0000" & vbCrLf

Dim i, l As Long

l = UBound(PointsX)

Dim x, x0 As Double
Dim y, y0 As Double

For i = 0 To l

Dim m As Integer
Dim mt As String

Dim dx, dy As Double

dx = PointsX(i)
dy = PointsY(i)

dx = dx / 100
dy = dy / 100

txtx = CStr(dx)
txty = CStr(dy)

m = Len(txtx) - InStr(1, txtx, “.”)
If m > 4 Then
txtx = Left(txtx, InStr(1, txtx, “.”) + 4)
End If

m = Len(txty) - InStr(1, txty, “.”)
If m > 4 Then
txty = Left(txty, InStr(1, txty, “.”) + 4)
End If

Dim probel As String
probel = " "

m = 14 - Len(txtx)
probel = Left(probel, m)

txtxy = txtxy & " " & txtx & probel & txty & vbCrLf
'txtxy = Replace(txtxy, “.”, “,”)

Next i

GetPointsTXT = txtxy & " 0.0000 0.0000"
End Function


Исправленная версия, в которой используется распознавание десятичных разделителей “.” или “,” в зависимости от настроек операционной системы.


А где можно скачать саму программу ? CNCFoamCut или она платная и ее надо купить ?