
EZ-WifiBroadcast DIY HD видео своими руками

Разобрался, пропаять по периметру микросхемы недостаточно.
Сдул ее феном, она паяется на пузо, для большего охлаждения, дак вот это пузо и небыло даже облужено
Поэтому как и писал при нажатии она начинала работать.

Со временем стало отходить, отсюда и все проблемы.
Залудил заново, запаял - видео перестало пропадать.

Речь про сам усилок PE5200 - даташита, кстати не нашел на нее

Здравствуйте, очень расстраивает. Я выполнил несколько тестов мощности передачи, и при мощности TX диапазон был от “0” до ~ 700 мВт.

Вот спецификация усилителя PA5200.…

Контакт “Производитель” здесь. Возможно, попытайтесь связаться с ними, чтобы использовать PA на карте Ubiquiti или Alfa 036Nha, потому что существуют правильные данные калибровки для комбинации карты Atheros и усилителя.

China Man name:

EZ-WifiBroadcast DIY HD видео своими руками

Что-то не понимаю, как с этого китайского сайта заказать, и где там цена? Или он в другом месте где-то продается?

А нашел на Алике, вроде он. Но уже дороже 50 баксов.


This video shows be using the cloned $20 version.

It is also better because it’s able to play hdcp encrypted copyright protection video also…

The maker is a recent college graduate who saw the need for a cheaper cloned board.

His email contact is in the video description. *Also, you can mention Justin Healey (me) referred you to him because it’s helped keep him motivated to make more available 😉

EZ-WifiBroadcast DIY HD видео своими руками


В этой ссылке у меня есть результаты теста wireshark для Atheros Datarate 4, установленного на 19,5 “N” по умолчанию и 18 Мбит / с “G” …

Мне интересно понять, почему мы используем 19,5 с Atheros вместо 18?

Согласно моим тестам 18, кажется, работает лучше и имеет лучшую чувствительность.

Может быть, кто-то из вас сможет помочь мне интерпретировать эти результаты?

Постскриптум Я пробовал обе скорости с и без CTS + USB RC.


EZ-WifiBroadcast DIY HD видео своими руками

по идее там можно настроить разную конфигурацию, и потом переключать перемычками на малине нужный фаил настроек…/Software-~-Advanced-~-Configuration-p…

по поводу текста

только я такого не нашел в настройках

[TTY CONSOLE]-- View Output of GroundPi Consoles and Scripts

но изменение этого параметра ничего не дает


My apologies, that needs to be set to an empty console number.

So, Setting it to “13” should be what we need to enter.

So ttl=13

EZ-WifiBroadcast DIY HD видео своими руками

по идее там можно настроить разную конфигурацию, и потом переключать перемычками на малине нужный фаил настроек…/Software-~-Advanced-~-Configuration-p…

по поводу текста

только я такого не нашел в настройках

[TTY CONSOLE]-- View Output of GroundPi Consoles and Scripts

но изменение этого параметра ничего не дает


The TTL Console thing should have worked. There is a way over SSH Khomyakk know how to do… (This site is not letting me attach pictures)

Also, USB tethering broke on this last image. It will be fixed.

*Just be patient, we have to update many things on the wiki including the gpio profiles (there are only four that can be used) and it’s only needed on the ground.

Also, the openhd app makes it so that you don’t have to remove any SD cards.

More to come.

EZ-WifiBroadcast DIY HD видео своими руками

Это понятно, пока 2.4 планирую подключаться к смартфону. А в остальном как? Код от lelik на неё нормально встанет?
Честно говоря, купил на авито, но продавец мне под видом “B+” всунул просто “B”. Вот думаю, возвращать, или нет…


Pi3b+ is really good. I’ve been helping test and develop it with openhd.

Our latest release has the internal dual band hotspot automatically switch to the opposite (5Ghz/2.4Ghz) of your flight video frequency. There are also several apps so no more messing with micro SD cards.

some things are the same as wfb, other things are a little different but the stability is equal, even with a nearby internal 5.8 hotspot. +Atheros for 2.4 air…

Overall, I very highly suggest getting the 3 B+.

Last note, the 3 B+ (Or new Pi3A+) in my opinion works best having your 5V power directly wired to the USB test pad underneath (See pics)…

EZ-WifiBroadcast DIY HD видео своими руками

Hello Friends…

I like checking in here from time to time. I would very much like to give a good explanation of what the Open.HD project has done however the translation on this group always mutilates what I say.

So, here is a link to the wiki which is still under developmeny.

Open.HD has put significant time and effort into making it easier to use, while maintaining the Rock solid stability of 1.6 rc6. that was the top priority.

[*]Open.HD Milestones

  • Open.HD Android app for changing all text file settings.
  • Modified Qgroundcontrol App with OSD data overlay (pic).
  • Smart-Sync - automatically synchronizes settings from ground-to-air regardless of mismatched settings during boot.
  • Dedicated ground RX for RC/Uplink (Case where 1 High Power + 2 Low power)
  • 10mhz, 5mhz ultra long-range narrowband Option (ATH9K Only)
  • Audio with usb microphone
  • Multi camera Arducam switcher V1 and V2 cameras.
  • Simultaneous HDMI and DSi 7 inch Raspberry Pi display.
  • Pi3b+ compatable & Stable as 1.6
  • Pi3b+ auto switch internal hotspot to the opposite 2.4/5.8 band of video.
  • Encrypted RC Option for RTL8812AU with USB joystick
  • ** These are not all of them but most of those significant ones…

Github page with downloads for image and 2 apps.

This is the public telegram group if you would be interested in joining there to follow…

EZ-WifiBroadcast DIY HD видео своими руками

Hello All,

I had high hopes for the AR9271 SparkLAN # WUBA-171GN Stick.

Tested the following…


And @Khomyakk…

I was looking forward to testing out these AR9271 modules from Ebay.

They are also available from a couple other sellers such as SparkLAN…

If you’re interested in ar9271 cards you may have an interest in using the 2.3-2.4Ghz or 2.5Ghz bands…

Apparently these cards have some kind of attenuation on the 2.3ghz band. I was very disappointed to discover this.

My RF power test results are as follows…

•2472mhz /Datarate 2 and 4 = 280mw at both rates
•2372mhz /Datarate 2 and 4 = 120mw at both rates
•2312mhz /Datarate 2 and 4 = 0.14mw at both rates
•2512mhz /Datarate 2 and 4 = 20mw at both rates

*Khomyakk, I believe I saw that you purchased one of these in the past… did they work on 2312 for you or anybody else?

EZ-WifiBroadcast DIY HD видео своими руками


Open-HD V0.2.6 (Wifibroadcast Spinoff Version)
Android app (Modified VR app for synchronized settings)…


Youtube Video Demo

Thanks @svpcom… @user1321 utilized some of your code for implementing the two way communication. The USB RC functionality has a couple bugs that he is trying to fix but, if flying UHF it should be perfect.

It has AUDIO 😃 just usb mic or webcam for audio only with PI cam.

EZ-WifiBroadcast DIY HD видео своими руками

Оно.Только стабильный образ можно не качать и не тратить на него время.Сразу начинать с указанного v1.6RC6.

Есть.У Константина Хомченко,он неоднократно своё оборудование описывал.На рцгрупс тоже много конфигураций описано.


I was having the same problem where 1.6 rc6 was the only one that just worked.

I think you’ll find success with the new image I shared above… It is set up for three cameras with a camera Switcher on channel 7.

The only thing you’ll need to change is disable “set 0” for cameras 2, 3 & 4. You can also set in the wifibroadcast.txt file at the bottom.

If you would like 16ch RC then use the Patched firmware .px4 otherwise it will work with 8ch as it did before.

EZ-WifiBroadcast DIY HD видео своими руками


Myself and user1321 have made some enhancements and updates to our ISO image.

Hopefully some of these enhancements will be integrated with the new 1.6 release. Most of the bugs have been worked out except the Uplink RSSI indicator on the OSD.

FYI the splash screen does not say wifibroadcast, it says “Open HD” which is something we did for fun so we didn’t accidentally mix up SD cards… This was done for fun and took 30 seconds to make a logo with an app…


•Pi3b+ compatibility, 5G internal hotspot is activated so if you have a pi3B+ version you just need to connect any Android phone to the hotspot and all of the air/ground wfb settings can be changed.

•Mavlink2 compatibility

•4 camera switch (plug and play)

•Ardupilot patched firmware~plane/copter~ (Thanks @Davidgp)

Let me know if you have any questions

I’m attaching link to the following files, feel free to flash and test them out.

  1. Open-hd (modified wifibroadcast) Image

  2. Fpv VR app (modified for wfb sync setting control)

  3. DavidGPs .px4 Plane/copter~pix/pixracer Patched firmware which was released today. (Awesome, Thanks!!!)…/c62...AABattqiTLfO5Ruazk8lnMpCa?dl=0


This image is set to 2312Mhz and configured for: Mission Planner/QGC connection over 5g hotspot for video/telemetry. Also, the VR “settings” app and MP/QGC will not work simultaneously, only one at a time. Also, only Atheros AR9271 cards have been tested on the ground and none tested in the air so, please be careful if using it to fly. Or, be sure to change freq. if testing other usb chipsets…

Video demonstrating App and video switch…

EZ-WifiBroadcast DIY HD видео своими руками


Has anyone taking a look at this small NanoPi Neo Module?

It has dual CSI camera input and specifications compatible to the RPI zero. The processor is somewhat weaker but the potential of this could be really big for low latency stereo vision.

Do you have any thoughts? As you may have noticed, the original wfb project is being reorganized with the image Builder by Respawndespair. If somebody thinks they could integrate this dual CSI bored I would consider donating it for someone to develop stereo Vision on?…/nano-rpi-cmio-bot-uc366/

EZ-WifiBroadcast DIY HD видео своими руками

I think I understand what you’re saying yoi cannot help develop the project.

Does this mean you would not be able to answer a couple questions? If you would be able to, user1321 has helped me what’s some personal projects and he lives in the Ukraine. I’ve attached his question from today about the patch kernel.

If your permitted to help with that there would be less of a language barrier if you were to explain it to him directly. If not, I completely understand.

Either way, any help or Insight would be greatly appreciated.

“”'? FROM USER 1321""
Personally I interested in what kind of patches did he apply to kernel.
Maybe something more?

And maybe question why he decide to use exactly 4.9.80-v7. Was it random or some reason.

EZ-WifiBroadcast DIY HD видео своими руками

Да на него подают, кому не лень, устали уже. Я, правда, не понял. над чем смеятсья, да ладно.


I tried to send you a private message. Did you receive it? If so, there is a link to our brand new GitHub development group that we would love to bring you in on. Or, if you can message me your email address we can send you the invitation.

EZ-WifiBroadcast DIY HD видео своими руками

Ничего, кроме глубокого морального удовлетворения 😃 Мой образ в основном для любителей Realtek’овских чипсетов серий 8812 и 8814. Все остальное (поддержка Pi3 B+, исправленная стрелочка домой) - бонус.


I just tested your image again and it certainly seems to work well. Have you been able to get the 5G internal hotspot to work for Telemetry and video stream to Android app? I was working with the settings briefly earlier and couldn’t seem to make it work but I was wondering if you had tried yet?

Also, several of us on rcgroups are discussing the possibility of branching off the 1.6 rc6 wifibroadcast project in order to easily integrate several available changes that are floating out there including your changes as well. I am not a programmer but, I have networking experience as well as web development.

I was considering renaming the project something like Open.HD, AthRalink or FPVpi-HD.

The thinking is to eliminate the term Wi-Fi out of the title so that new inexperienced fpv enthusiasts don’t mistake the system for regular Wi-Fi.

I wanted to get your opinion and also see if you had any ideas for future development and enhancement? I would like to write some descriptions of future potential and ideas going forward.

Thank you again for the great work. it’s nice to know that people are still working on development and enhancements. The next step is to get it all organized and combine the best parts of different images into one unified platform.

Again I hope this translate sin a understandable way.



EZ-WifiBroadcast DIY HD видео своими руками

[QUOTE=khomyakk;7542619]Новый образ работает Аферос-Аферос.…/EZ-Wifibroadcast-1.6RC6+8812au.…[/QUO


I am new to fixed wings, so these are short-range flights and the one fx-79 buffalo wing is having all sorts of stability problems nearly crashed several times.

I used your new image with atheros chips and it appeared to work beautifully. ������

Fx79 buffalo + wifibroadcast (russian image)

S800 skyvshadow wfb


EZ-WifiBroadcast DIY HD видео своими руками

Hello Friends,

I’m from the US so I don’t know how is translations going to work out but, here we go…

I feel like I’ve tried to sign up for this forum 4 months no but there was always some problem with registration and I couldn’t post comments.

Recently you have been discussing Dronebridge. I tried this out most of last month and it has great potential. I posted several videos, I’m attaching a couple here…

Unfortunately, if you fly with atheros ar9271 chipsets, there are inherent problems that you’ll encounter. Various data rate and FEC settings that worked with 1.6 RC 6 did not work with dronebridge. Also, the video would periodically drop out.

If you’re having trouble getting OSD and Telemetry to work, Wolfgang, the creator of dronebridge has the image download ready fol LTM inav type flight controllers.

It took me two days to realize that I had to go into the OSDconfig.txt and change LTM to Mavlink.

He also might have changed things recently however, you want to ignore most of the settings on the wifibroadcast.txt file with exception to FEC and frequency.

Also, dronebridge recently released a version That was supposed to work with 88xx chipsets but my atheros cards (Ubiquiti Wifistation EXT) did not work at all with the most recent version.

Finally, I really wanted to have the ability to switch camera views so, I linked up with somebody who was able to develop the code to integrate it with wifibroadcast as well as dronebridge however, Whenever there is a bug fix or update, I have to ask him to reintegrate it and it gets kind of frustrating.

But the recent compatibility of pi3b+ I hope I can soon have the ability to use the internal 5G hotspot on the ground for communication and video relay to Android.

I have a few other images with some neat functions I’d like to share with you guys. Just give me a day or so to organize them and verify that they work. Perhaps you can build upon it in some way.

Let me know if you have any questions.



My channel with other recent wifibroadcast and Dronebridge flights.