
эдектромоторы pulso

[QUOTE = yuri1234; 1656709] There are new engines PULSO - [url] [/ url]
Features seem to be not bad. Somebody exploited them? What are the characteristics of the issue? [/ QUOTE]

HI yuri1234:

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Have A Nice Day!

Scorpion 4020-8 и Rimfire 42-60-800

[QUOTE = ukkr; 1649246] Rimfire - very strange motors. The quality and reliability they are on a par with the Axi. But the characteristics of the devil himself would break a leg, a vivid example 35-30-950. Clear analogues are difficult to find. But to the specs match.

  1. Specifically, he worked with 3x jars Rimfire and 3hbanochnymi Scorpion. Scorpion - pahabneyshaya winding, golimye bearings. Not all regulators are working with them.
  2. Rimfire withstand such bullying is that only Axi and stand. Especially no heat under load.

Regarding stress, Great Planes seek to reduce the currents required motors for unwinding of the same screws as the competitors. Therefore he expects motors for higher voltage.

  1. We Rimfire estesche one drawback - adapter for a propeller with imperial thread. Gaik lost and усе. Inch nut in Ukraine was unable to find, had to redo adapter.

PS Likely to achieve the same traction in the static at Rimfire you need a smaller diameter screw than the Scorpion. [/ QUOTE]


Why not try PULSO X 2826/12 You will get a big Surprise. Below is the compared test result of PULSO & AXI for your reference.… by the enduser.

some other test result for you:… # post13385207

: D: D