
F3C in Russia
Mikhail Yunin

Из Вашего поста , понял , что вам интересно общение с Российскими вертолетчиками  В классе F3C.

totsno tak, otshen pravilno ponjali. u nas b Estonii jest ne tolko Ergo 50, no i X-Cell, Dyna-X, neskolko Hirobo Eagle 2 EX98/99, neskolko Raptor 50/90, neskolko Sceadu 50 etc.

No rebjato malo, teper tolko 20 tselovek aktivnõh pilotov. I sudei toshe nemnoshko malo, 3…5 tselovek.

Po etomu mõ i delajem etu jamboree, tam finnõ (Hirobo Freya) toshe budut i mõ moshem utsitsa… Bõlo prijatno. jesli võ toshe budjete utsastvovat. I ne nada umet letat F3C, mõ budjem delat i Popular, Eurosport i Hovering sorevnovaniju.

Jesli tõ interessovan organisovat russkoju kommandu, stobõ utsastvovat, pasõlai mne litsnoje pismo (privat email).

Ponjali? 😉

– perevod po angliskii sledujet 😉

Yes, you got the right point. Btw, we have here not only Ergo 50 Type 2 CCMP/Ergo 50 Type 2 (at last 3 pcs, if not more), but also some X-Cell, Dyna-X 90 sized mashines, also some of Hirobo Eagle EX98/99, Raptor 50/90, Sceadu 50 etc.

Yes, we are small country and helicopter hobby is not very big/popular. We have only 20 active pilots currently (but it was about only 10 pilots 1.5 year ago!), also we dont have too many judges (for competition), max. 3…5 persons. Btw, I noticed some years ago Russian Champoinship or similar competiton had only 2 judges too…

Actually, this is the reason why we are organizing this (international) jamboree… We have good relations to finnish F3C team, they are present on those events. We can learn from them. And this is good. And we liked to have even more people attending to that event, so you are welcome.

PS. There is not need to be capable to manage F3C schedule. We can organize also Popular and Eurosport, and Hovering Contest for beginners. And, it is funfly, not very serious competition.

In case you are interested to organize Russian team to this event, please send me your email address, i will contact you personally, if more information is available…


F3C in Russia


Hello, I am F3C enthusiast from Estonia and like to have some contacts with russian F3C (model helicopter) people.

Could you help regarding that?

Also, you are more than welcome to next Helicamp Estonia event next summer (please check last 2 year’s sites at and )

Indrek Hiie

PS. You can answer in russian or german too, I probably manage to understand most of it 😉 For direct answer, to protect me from SPAM, could you please use special form on my website…