Подбор: мотор валкеры №60


Elf Hobby (EH000-004) 4200Kv Outrunner Brushless Motor & 30A ESC

Brushless Motor SPECIFICATION:
Type: Outrunner 12T Bevel-wheel design Gear
Working Voltage: 6-18V
Speed constant (KV): 4200 RPM/V
Hollow Holding Current (10V): <=1 A
Dimension: Φ 26x27 mm
Diameter of axes: Φ 2.3 mm
Weight: 42g

Sustaining Voltage: 6-17V
BEC Current: 2.0A
Continuous output current: 30A
Instant max current: 50A
Weight: 30g

За все просят 40 убитых ежей

Для сравнения валкеровский набор:

Walkera #WK-WS-28-003 380S Brushless Motor

Working Voltage: 6-18V
Speed constant (KV): 3000 RPM/V
Hollow Holding Current (10V): <=1.5 A
Impendance 75 m
Dimension: Φ 28x37.5 mm
Diameter of axes: Φ 3.17 mm
Length of axes: 13.5 mm
Installation bore depth: 3.5 mm
Weight: 96g

Walkera #WK-WST-30A 30A Brushless Motor Activator - ESC

Sustaining Voltage: 6-17V
BEC Current: 3.0A
Continuous output current: 30A
Instant max current: 50A
Inside impedance 0.0044
Reversion: Yes
Low voltage, cut electricity protection: Yes
Weight: 32.4g

66 убитых ежей за комплект

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