Покупка с Hobby King
Тоже хочу заказать аки 5000 , с евросклада получается немного дороже
Зато доставка дешевле и можно притащить за 35баксов 30кг 😉
С Китая за 6 акков просят 79баксов за доставку
С Евросклада - 35…
ато доставка дешевле и можно притащить за 35баксов 30кг
А если мне не надо 30 кило акков? Если мне нужно пору штук по 500мА???
Мне вот другое интересно, за товар который вывозится из Евросоюза должны возвращать НДС, а вот Кинговцы делать это как-то не очень хотят.
Только что получил 3 акка 3s 5800mA с евросклада.доставка за 35 баксов,оплатил 21 октября.я считаю быстро пришел заказ…
Осталось с глобалсклада дождаться…
29-го заказал акки (4 кг) с евросклада, сегодня утром посылка уже “прибыло в место вручения”!
Люди HELP !!! Вот мой трэк 8800228426
заказывали мне 16 сентября.Трэк трэкался в Poni Express. но.после того как на 45 день открыли спор в Paypal. теперь проверил на пони экспресс не трекается…почему ??? Так же посылка заказанная моим знакомым 23сетября вчера пришла к нему. хотя по ней он тоже открыл диспут/спор(как там правильно). Почему так ?
А не надо брать разных там жуков. Бери буггу с Хоббика www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/s...5A_System.html
дык по сути это Жук и есть, в форм-факторе багги ) Платформа и львиная часть деталей жучинные…
Друзья, мы вам тут не мешаем машинки обсуждать? Тема не про это вовсе. Или если написал оффтопик, то можно продолжать?
Нидерланды прилет быстрый, можно брать , несут домой курьеры за 35 доларей
Если кому интересно, как просили. Вчера моя эпопея с возвратом денег закончилась. Пэйпэл сработалл четко, и все вернули. ХК продолжал валять дурачка и требовать закрыть претензию. Но взамен, ничего не предлагал. Вкратце… Я случайно указал способ доставки “самовывозом” почти сразу обратился в службу поддержки ХК. Служба поддержки не отвечала до того момента пока уже сложно что либо было изменить. Потом стали навязывать дорогую доставку. Я не согласился. И не только из-за того что дорого, а больше из-за того что бардак там полный и придет ли, и когда посылка неизвестно. Просил как угодно отменить заказ, чтобы я смог переоформить заказ. Они неколько недель прододжили включать дурака. По совету на форуме открыл диспут, потом претензию. ХК даже не соизволил ни разу ответить. В итоге мне вернулись деньги. Пока происходила вся эта канитель. Заказал то что нужно со склада в европе самой дешевой безтрековой посылкой. Отправили на след. день. Дошло за 14дней. Эх было бы так всегда. Плохо другое. Бедный ассортимент на складе в европе.Моторов мне нужных нет,регули в бэкордере, приемников тоже нет, по ФПВ тоже провал, нет любимых акков Rino. Ну и цены на все чуть повыше, но не критично(хотя на пульты Турнига сильно).
Народ, с каких пор доставка с ХК International (Registered) Air Mail стала без трека (No tracking Avail)?
Народ, с каких пор доставка с ХК International (Registered) Air Mail стала без трека (No tracking Avail)?
Это херня, у меня EMS за стопицот баксов и тоже без трека 😃 Отправлен 22.10 и до сих пор нет ни трека ни посылки, хотя ЕМС обычно 8-10 дней идёт. ХК - уроды 😃
Народ, с каких пор доставка с ХК International (Registered) Air Mail стала без трека (No tracking Avail)?
С недавних:). Сейчас практически на любой вид доставки не дают трек. Почтово трековый кризис:)
Почтово трековый кризис
жесть, как бороться?
жесть, как бороться?
Только самовывоз:).
Что-то как-то было делать нечего и решил я повынимать душу и мозги у хоббикинговского саппорта 😁
Не столько для результата, а так… душу отвести… три часа, чтобы не было охоты у них только заготовки копировать.
Может кому-нить пригодится копипастить при обсуждениях с ними в чате?
Но пять страниц текста… и спойлеров здесь вроде как нету, не спрячешь… выкладывать так?
UPD. Выложил.
Start Time: 11/06/2013 22:10:10
End Time: 11/07/2013 00:56:45
Operators: Jennifer
[22:10:10] Jennifer: Hi Andrey, Hope youre doing fine. How may I help you today?
[22:10:18] Andrey: Hi
[22:10:35] Andrey: please check my order 2007961490
[22:11:18] Andrey: The cost of items is $24 and I have paid $30 for delivery, because I expect tracking number!
[22:11:45] Andrey: But tracking number is not available yet… why?
[22:12:59] Andrey: I paid hi-cost delivery for cheap parcel especially, for getting normal tracking number
[22:23:05] Jennifer: Let me check your order. One moment please.
[22:24:07] Jennifer: Thank you for waiting. Since the online tracking doesn’t work for now, the tracking number will be fixed later on since the shipping company is handling a lot of orders from us thus making them unable to update their system as of the moment. We have raised this issue with them already as we are having lots of complaints from our customers about this and they said that they will be solving this issue soon. Kindly expect your parcel in 6-39 days from Posted date of 14/09/2013. If you do not receive any until 39th day, please contact your local post office. If still no news from them, please contact us again so we can further assist you.
[22:24:31] Jennifer: I mean, Kindly expect your parcel in 6-39 days from Posted date of 28/10/2013. If you do not receive any until 39th day, please contact your local post office. If still no news from them, please contact us again so we can further assist you.
[22:25:37] Andrey: Very good skills… using copy-paste of HK templates…
[22:25:48] Andrey: “from Posted date of 14/09/2013”??
[22:26:16] Andrey: This order has been placed 26/10!!
[22:27:32] Andrey: I don’t want to know about HK problems… I have paid for trackable delivery… Warehouse gave my parcel to courier and warehouse HAS tracking number
[22:28:12] Andrey: Please call (send e-mail) to warehouse right now… and let’s wait for the answer together… I have a lot of time today.
[22:31:34] Andrey: And please don’t tell me about " will be solving this issue soon"… it’s not a true, because two my other orders 2007793117 & 2007824321 are in the same statuses from beginning of October!
[22:34:57] Jennifer: Im sorry for that
[22:35:34] Andrey: No problem… call warhouse, please… HK warehouse is working 24x7
[22:36:13] Jennifer: By the way Andrey, once again thank you for bringing up this concern with us. Rest assured that this has not gone unnoticed. The concern has been submitted to our warehouse to be checked. Kindly check back with us within a week, hopefully by then there has been a resolution regarding this. We also understand the urgency of the situation but of course we want to make sure that the solution provided this time would be accurate.
[22:38:04] Andrey: Nooo…please see above… HK support promises the same for my other orders many times… but both orders are without tracking yet… during FIVE weeks! And I paid hi-cost delivery for ALL my orders…
[22:38:48] Andrey: This means we will wait together for tracking number… I am sure you have direct connection with warehouse…
[22:43:38] Jennifer: Im sorry, but I don’t have a direct contact from our warehouse
[22:43:48] Jennifer: what I can do for this matter is
[22:44:07] Andrey: No problem, You can send e-mail to WH
[22:44:19] Jennifer: Will inform our warehouse via email
[22:44:33] Jennifer: Yes, that’s right
[22:44:38] Andrey: Please don’t write about the escalation to WH manager
[22:45:13] Andrey: YES, please send e-mail and we will wait for the answer online!
[22:45:15] Jennifer: Please let me know how would you like me to proceed with this?
[22:45:31] Andrey: 1. Please send e-mail.
[22:45:41] Andrey: 2. Please wait for the answer with me
[22:46:00] Andrey: 3. Please copy-paste WH answer to our chat
[22:46:08] Andrey: it’s very simple!
[22:46:51] Andrey: I am sure we will have tracking number few hours later…
[22:51:35] Jennifer: Rest assured that this has not gone unnoticed. The concern has been submitted to our warehouse to be checked.
[22:52:09] Jennifer: Kindly check back with us with in 24 -48 hours for the updated regarding this matter
[22:52:19] Andrey: Very good! 😃 Let’s wait for results…
[22:52:54] Andrey: NO! I saw this message (24-48 hours) many times! Nothing changes… no results…
[22:53:10] Andrey: THIS ORDER will be with tracking TODAY.
[22:54:18] Jennifer: will we send you an email notification before the end of this regarding the details
[22:54:59] Andrey: You are SUPPORT. Please do your job without copy-paste of templates… I know all of them very well and I can work in HK support now 😃
[22:55:40] Jennifer: Than you for the consideration and understanding
[22:55:45] Jennifer: Is there anything else I may help you with?
[22:56:00] Andrey: Yes! Please see above
[22:56:02] Andrey: 1-2-3
[22:56:16] Andrey: I don’t see an answer from warehouse
[22:57:24] Jennifer: Please give us 24- 48 hours
[22:57:31] Jennifer: to follow up your request
[22:58:30] Andrey: I have to say again… I saw this message (about 24-48 hours) many times… NOTHING CHANGES… and I need REAL support right now.
[22:59:47] Jennifer: Please wait a moment
[23:00:03] Andrey: no problem, I have a lot of time…
[23:03:46] Jennifer: Thank you for waiting
[23:05:35] Jennifer: Once the actual parcel reached on your country, for sure the courier who handling your order will provide or update the tracking number with regard to you three orders
[23:07:05] Andrey: No… unfortunately I can’t get tracking in my country without outcoming tracking… this means I can’t check the moving of parcel… Please give me origianl tracking…
[23:07:25] Andrey: Which courier was used for delivery of my parcel?
[23:09:24] Jennifer: I believe from the original courier of your order
[23:09:48] Jennifer: once parcel reached on the destination country
[23:10:38] Jennifer: will hand over to your local courier, and for that
[23:10:40] Andrey: … and nobody will inform me about the moment of import…
[23:11:07] Jennifer: they will update you via email for the official tracking number
[23:11:29] Andrey: Ok, let’s go from beginning… HK has shipped my parcel to courier, yes?
[23:11:50] Jennifer: one moment please
[23:13:55] Andrey: Courier took parcel and went out without any documents/confirmation?
[23:14:17] Jennifer: For the order 2007961490 - International (Registered) Air Mail with a transit time of 6-39 days order 2007793117 - Air Parcel (RUSSIAN FEDERATION) with a transit time of 7-21 days order 2007824321 - same as above
[23:15:10] Andrey: order 2007793117 - and order 2007824321 are going (where???) five weeks!
[23:16:10] Andrey: Do you say about 21 days?? Please see the date of shipping! I know nothing about my parcels with the cost $300+ !!
[23:21:30] Andrey: … and all my orders don’t contain LiPo…
[23:22:48] Jennifer: Please take my advised
[23:24:12] Jennifer: kindly wait, once the parcel reached on your country, courier who handling your order will provide or update the tracking number
[23:26:15] Andrey: Please see above abot two orders from 29th September… nobody informs my about new tracking number… and I am not sure… were these orders delivered by HK? Do you have a proof?
[23:30:01] Jennifer: your 3 order was already shipped out from the warehouse
[23:30:17] Jennifer: I assure that
[23:32:10] Andrey: Ok, I have to wait… how many days? Of course, I have last argument… I mean PayPal dispute… but I hope we can solve my problem without refund via PayPal .
[23:32:16] Andrey: How many days?
[23:34:02] Jennifer: Kindly expect your order 2007961490 in 6-39 days from Posted date of 28/10/2013
[23:34:25] Andrey: What about two “old” orders?
[23:34:58] Jennifer: Kindly expect your order 2007793117 in 7-21 days from Posted date of 30/09/2013
[23:35:15] Andrey: Do you read own messages???
[23:35:42] Andrey: 30/09/2013 + 21 days = 20/10/2013…
[23:36:01] Jennifer: Kindly expect your order 2007824321 in 7-21 days from Posted date of 4/10/2013.
[23:36:27] Andrey: Please inform my, today is 06/11/2013 or not?
[23:37:50] Andrey: How many days I have to “kindly expect”??
[23:38:09] Jennifer: Today is November 06, 2013
[23:38:16] Andrey: YES!
[23:38:38] Andrey: This means 21 days expired two week ago…
[23:38:49] Andrey: And? What can I do?
[23:39:49] Jennifer: I believe you order is still in transit time
[23:40:41] Jennifer: for the order 2007961490 If you do not receive any until 39th day, please contact your local post office. If still no news from them, please contact us again so we can further assist you.
[23:40:53] Andrey: You believe… but I need to know… because it’s MY $300… and I ask you for outcoming tracking numbers on this reason…
[23:41:30] Jennifer: and for the order 2007793117 & 2007824321, If you do not receive any until 21st day, please contact your local post office. If still no news from them, please contact us again so we can further assist you.
[23:42:06] Andrey: I have called my local past office concerning orders 2007793117 & 2007824321 already… they know nothing about it… and they didn’t receive it…
[23:42:35] Andrey: and I “contact you” right now!
[23:42:50] Jennifer: because the two is not yet reached the destination country
[23:43:23] Andrey: Why you say again about 21 days?? This period expired two weeks ago!
[23:44:07] Andrey: “because the two is not yet reached the destination country” - and WHERE these orders now??
[23:44:56] Jennifer: Perfectly honestly I don’t know
[23:45:05] Jennifer: but still in a transit time
[23:45:19] Andrey: Ok, let’s check with warehouse…
[23:45:56] Andrey: I need outgoing tracking numbers and I will check HongKong/Chinese/Russian post myself
[23:48:08] Jennifer: Im sorry for the inconvenience caused
[23:48:53] Jennifer: What the best I can do, regarding this matter is to forward this information to our warehouse
[23:49:03] Jennifer: and for that
[23:49:31] Jennifer: we both waiting for the right information about your three orders
[23:49:36] Andrey: … and we will wait for points 2 and 3 above 😃
[23:49:53] Jennifer: but once I have an update from our warehouse
[23:50:07] Jennifer: I will inform right away
[23:50:29] Andrey: No problem, both of us have the time to wait for responce from warehouse…
[23:50:58] Jennifer: Thank you for understanding
[23:51:22] Andrey: We are living in 21 century… and e-mails are going very quickly…
[23:51:37] Jennifer: right
[23:52:32] Andrey: Sure, let’s see the reaction of warehouse…
[23:52:57] Jennifer: Thank you
[23:53:13] Jennifer: can we end this session now?
[23:55:43] Andrey: No, of course! Please remenber, we are waiting for WH answer!
[23:58:40] Andrey: Please see above… I had many discussions with HK support… and I saw “please wait 24-48 hours” many times… nothing changes during five weeks!
[23:59:04] Andrey: This chat will be finished with tracking numbers from warehouse…
[00:03:32] Andrey: I can open the disputs on PayPal with the issue “No tracking number during 35 days” and I am sure HK will provide tracking numbers immediately, because HK doesn’t want refund to customer… Let’s do the same without PayPal, I hope it’s better for both sides…
[00:04:36] Jennifer: I cannot assure, if warehouse will reply us as soon as possible.
[00:06:39] Andrey: No problem… again, I have a lot of time… please send second e-mail… five e-mails… it’s responsibility of warehouse to check an information of shipping and inform us about tracking numbers.
[00:14:12] Jennifer: Can you provide the ticket number please
[00:14:38] Andrey: What do you mean, sorry?
[00:15:03] Jennifer: Did you send us email regarding about this issue?
[00:15:31] Andrey: Yes… I understand… just a moment, please…
[00:15:39] Jennifer: Thank you
[00:16:22] Andrey: Request #811972 follow-up to request #786275
[00:17:03] Jennifer: One moment please
[00:18:32] Andrey: The message from 3 November:
[00:18:35] Andrey: 2007793117. are now Printed and will be processed for shipping shortly
[00:19:34] Jennifer: 2007793451 Tracking 8800985259 2007793900 Tracking 8800983048
[00:19:54] Andrey: I know, thanks…
[00:19:56] Jennifer: this is what i found from the ticket 786275
[00:20:12] Andrey: But I asked about two other orders…
[00:21:05] Andrey: I CAN CHECK these two tracking numbers on PLT site, on ZHY site and on Russian Pony Express site… and it’s very well!
[00:21:45] Andrey: And I need the same possibility for two other orders… 2007824321 and 2007793117
[00:22:47] Andrey: I am Platinum customer and I have placed too many orders on HK… it’s my main problem now…
[00:32:17] Jennifer: The concern has been submitted to our warehouse to be checked.
[00:32:25] Jennifer: Kindly check back with us within a week, hopefully by then there has been a resolution regarding this. We also understand the urgency of the situation but of course we want to make sure that the solution provided this time would be accurate.
[00:33:27] Andrey: Sorry, but you have used this template already (please see above)
[00:33:46] Jennifer: That is not a template
[00:34:08] Jennifer: I re use it, just to remind you
[00:34:21] Andrey: Just a moment, I will copy your words… please compare…
[00:34:46] Jennifer: Please try to understand, I cannot provide an exact information regards to your concern
[00:34:54] Andrey: Jennifer18:36:13 By the way Andrey, once again thank you for bringing up this concern with us. Rest assured that this has not gone unnoticed. The concern has been submitted to our warehouse to be checked. Kindly check back with us within a week, hopefully by then there has been a resolution regarding this. We also understand the urgency of the situation but of course we want to make sure that the solution provided this time would be accurate.
[00:35:00] Jennifer: I know
[00:37:31] Andrey: Please try to understand me, I have a lot of promises from HK support and I don’t have any result! My $300 are walking on the planet and I don’t have any information from the seller! And I paid for trackable delivery by AIR PARCEL!
[00:39:18] Andrey: Ok, HK sent my orders by very slow and very strange courier (the time in transit between HongKong and China is 26 days!!!), but HK MUST provide tracking numbers, because I paid for tracking especially!
[00:39:27] Jennifer: I do understand that this is frustrating on your end and I will feel the same way if I were you.
[00:40:50] Jennifer: I’ve already informed our warehouse to provide a right tracking number of your orders. As soon as possible
[00:41:09] Andrey: And I can copy-paste a lot of promises from your colleagues about tracking numbers “as soon as possible”. Do you want it? Please see to my account, do you see tracking numbers there?
[00:41:44] Andrey: “I’ve already informed our warehouse to provide a right tracking number of your orders. As soon as possible” - thanks a lot! Let’s wait for WH reply.
[00:45:17] Andrey: Maybe you can escalate this issue not to WH, but to YOUR manager? I am sure, he (she) knows phone numbers of WH managers…
[00:46:29] Jennifer: Im sorry but our manager is not available now
[00:48:00] Andrey: Ok, I think our chat will be longest in HK Support history.
[00:48:28] Jennifer: this one will be noted on my end
[00:49:10] Jennifer: will check this and make follow up from our warehouse time to time
[00:49:53] Andrey: It’s not your fault, it’s the problem of WH…
[00:53:32] Jennifer: however, thank you for our consideration and being patient with me
[00:53:46] Jennifer: Is there anything else I may help you with?
[00:55:42] Andrey: No at this moment… let’s wait for the answer from WH… “as soon as possible”
[00:56:35] Jennifer: Again, We apologize for the inconvenience that you have experienced
[00:56:41] Jennifer: Have a great day!
Operator Jennifer has left the chat.
The chat is ended.
Только оформить как положено
Спасибо! 😃
ТОлько оформить как положено:)
Зато доставка дешевле и можно притащить за 35баксов 30кг
С Китая за 6 акков просят 79баксов за доставку
С Евросклада - 35…
За 35 нормально , можно по полной затарится аками .
За 35 нормально , можно по полной затарится аками .
а с таможней проблем не будет? 30 кг акуммуляторов это и сумма немаленькая будет
Народ, с каких пор доставка с ХК International (Registered) Air Mail стала без трека (No tracking Avail)?
Такая же ерунда , заказ был не большим 80 $
а с таможней проблем не будет? 30 кг акуммуляторов это и сумма немаленькая будет
10 аков по 480 гр , проблем не будет .
10 аков по 480 гр , проблем не будет .
10 аков и выигрыш не такой очевидный, что то 15 баксов, а то что более 5 наименований одинаковых? с этим как?
10 аков и выигрыш не такой очевидный, что то 15 баксов, а то что более 5 наименований одинаковых? с этим как?
ничего страшного приходило и 20 шт одного товара .