Не могу отрегулировать DZY 26
Всем привет!
Для начала бочка меда 😋 . Жена попав со мной в один из наших, Иркутских, модельный магазин, увидела замечательную модель полукопию времен второй мировой. HallCat. Сразу сказала что хочет посмотреть как эта модель будет летать. ну короче говоря приобрели модель и этот сабжевый мотор.
Сборку модели немного отложил на попозже, а вот мотор взялся обкатывать.Сразу до обкатки я его полностью разобрал и промыл. Собрал, закрепил его на стенде, винтик прикрутил к нему 16*10.
НУ короче как обычно подкачал топливо, первый толчок в руку, со второго рывка мотор затарахтел.
Моему счастью не было предела. после 3 часов работы мотор самопроизвольно вышел на более высокие обороты. По тахометру от 3800 до 3970. Я решил что стоит малость выкрутить винт регулировки холостого хода. Иголки не трогал. ОБороты несколько упали до 2700. По пасспорту холостой ход в пределах 2000. я подкрутил L иглу, мотор заглох. И вот тут и появилась ложка дегтя.
Вернул винт в заводские настройки, но не работает моторчик. Закрываю заслонку завожу, мотор заводится и работает на закрытой заслонке, открываю глохнет.Не сразу секунд 5-7 работает и глохнет.
При прогазовке, обороты набирает до средних примерно 4000-4600 по разному. далее слышно как через дудку засасывается воздух, вспышки пропадают. если своевременно бросить газ - снова оживает. На сей момент снял карб, и полностью его разобрав продул все каналы. какие только нашел.
Вот так я уже два дня с Китаем сражаюсь. нужна подмога.
Помиге пожалуйста его одолеть.
Я тоже сражался(и предстоит еще). делал так: Ставил иголки обе в заводские положения(1.5 на иглу L и 1 оборот на иглу H), прокачивал вручную заткнув дудку и заводил. Порабовав так пару минут, настраивал на максимальном газу иглу H и потом очень нежно крутил иглу L чтобы были перегазовки нормальные и обороты на ХХ стабильные были. А величину оборотов ХХ я триммером делал. Так и должно быть по-моему что величину задаешь триммером на пульте, а не иголкой! Отсюда и все беды.
Прежде чем крутить иглы пусть моторчеГ поработает часикоФ 5-6 на минералочке и около 3000 оборотоФ в … , а потом еже крутим H и затем L
P.S. Мануал рулит 😉
С уважением.
Вы два мотора купили или два раза спрашиваете?
Вот мануал для 26-х китайцев. Правда на английском, но думаю будет понятно.
Carburetor/Mixing Proportion Base Principles: The engine requires correct fuel mixing proportion with the air to operate regularly. The air intaking volume is controlled by the butterfly changeover in the air throttle.
If the engine do not supply proper power after started, you can adjust the proportion screw on the carburator to maximize the power output.
Low speed and High speed fuel injection needles
The engine gets fuel from the low speed fuel injection needle in any case, and start to receive fuel from the high speed fuel injection needle when the rotating speed rises to the medium speed (2000—3000 rounds per minute). When the engine operates in high speed almost all the fuel the engine receives is from the high speed injection needle (in proportion). The engine adjusting technique is just the configuration of the two injection needles which acquires correct air-fuel proportion for the engine under any rotaing speed.
Lean Fuel means the fuel supplied by the carburetor is insufficient under certain butterfly changeover state. Engine operates in the insufficient fuel state (not over too insufficient to operate) will have a higher rotating speed and a smoother rotation as well. However the engine will be the same hotter (as the fuel proportion for taking away the heat is less).
Rich Fuel means the fuel supplied by the carburetor exceeds the actual need the engine operation demands under certain butterfly changeover state. The consequence is lead to the opposite way compared with that of Lean Fuel meanwhile the spark plug will not be able to work normally due to overwhelmed fuel (shut off).
Generally speaking the low speed injection needle should be configured little Lean Fuel as possible without interferring the normal operation when the engine shifts from idle speed to medium speed. The engine will be unstable or even shut off when boosted from idle speed to medium speed at the over-lean fuel state while oppositely at the over-rich fuel state the engine may in some case cough with expectoration when suddenly speeded up from idle speed to high speed.
The high speed injection needle shoudl be configured correctly namely the engine will operate at the highest speed without encountering any damage due to the heat from the operation under lean fuel state. While oppositely over-rich fuel state also cause the irregular engine operation and the engine will not acquire designed rotating speed (power output)
There are two needles on the carburetor respectively marked “L” and “H”. the L one represent the idle speed (low speed) injection needle while the H one stands for the high speed injection needle. By turning these two needles clockwise the fuel injected into the engine will be reduceds which moves close to the lean fuel state, while the rich fuel state side can be approached counterclockwise.
In case the injection needles have to be re-configured due to any reasons (such as dissassembled for maintenance), it is recommended to turn the low speed injection needle counter clock wise by two and a half rounds and one round for the high speed needle (while pay attention not to over tight the needle which may result in needle or carburetor damage), so to set a excellent start for both needles above which the precise adjustment will be performed.
Warning: DO NOT ajust the admission acceleration ring without guidance since its structure design is special. Any improper adjustment may cause unstable engine operation or even permanent damage.
Warning: Please read carefully and remember thoroughly all the safety restrictions before any attemp of starting the engine.
DO NOT start the engine without an assistant for holding the plane.
Please check carefully the ignition system wiring again following the wiring instructions before starting the engines.
Make the assumption always in mind that the engine will be started in any time, and keep highly cautious
Preparations before starting the engine: For first time starting the engine, please turn the low speed needle counterclockwise by one and a half round, and one round counterclockwise for the high speed needle, so to set a configuration start at which the engine will be able to operation in idle speed and under rich fuel state under any valve state.
Fill the fuel tank full with fuel (attention: the fuel and lubricant proportion should be correctly adjusted), make sure the ignition switch is at OFF position while find a reliable assistant for holding the plane firmly.
Full open the air valve
Block the valve with thumb or forefinger and slowly rotate the propeller counterclockwise till fuel passing through the pipeline into the carburetor is confirmed. Then toggle the propeller several times to make sure the fuel has entered the engines
Close the air valve changeover by 2-3mm and prepare for start.
Make sure the ignition switch is at “ON” position.
Toggle the propeller several times till it starts and repeat above procedures if not.
Start the Engine
Adjust the carburetor Adjust the idle or medium speed.
Warning: Do not adjust the engine during operations. All adjustment should be performed after the engine is shut off and the ignition switch is at OFF position.
Please check the idle and acceleration performance after starting and warming up. The idle speed should be stabled between 1800~2000 rounds . If the idle speed can not stay stably at 1800~2000 round due to rich fuel, please turn the low speed fuel injection needle by one eighth round each time till the operation is smooth and once it goes smooth, please try opening the throttling by 1/3 (about 2500~3500 rounds). If the engine delays or shut off, the idle speed may be over lean fuel which requires adjusting the idle speed needle by 1/16 round. If the engine approaches to the medium speed after it delays, please turn the idle speed needle by 1/16 round clockwise. Repeat above procedures till the idle speed is stable and clearly responding to medium or low speed acceleration.
Carburetor Configurations High Speed Section
Warning: Do not adjust the engine during operations. All adjustment should be performed after the engine is shut off and the ignition switch is at OFF position.
Once the low speed configuration is done, the high speed injection needle should be adjusted. The configuration in principle is that slowly approach to correct mixing proportion from the full throttle and rich fuel state. Full open the throttle and turn the high speed injection needle till the engine operation is rough and unsmooth so to make sure the engine is running under rich fuel state
Turn the high speed injection needle by 1/8 round each time and maintain 5~10 secs after each adjustment. Make sure the working temperature is responding to the fuel needle adjustment. If during the 1/8 adjustment the rotating speed decreases, then the adjustment is approve to be over the limit. Please turn the high speed needle by 1/4 round, make sure the rotating speed reaches the highest value. In this way, the engine initial speed can be acquired and then turn back the needle just for a little to make sure the safety.
Check the idle speed and medium speed acceleration performance. In case re-adjustment is needed, please adjust the high speed settings after the adjustment. Repeat above procedure till the engine operates smoothly.
Details of eletric ignition coil:
Red cable is the positive pole (+)
The electric igniter timing has already been set when produced.
Correct electric ignition time is required for the new electric igniter normal operation.
Battery : 4.8-6V
Case 1: The engine operates normally on the ground however severe rich fuel situation appears when taking off or in the air.
Possible Causes: the positive pressure in the cowling or the carburetor port is impacted by the propeller slip flow.
1. install additional cowling in front of the carburetor
2. install admission acceleration pipe
Case 2: Sometimes rich fuel while sometimes lean fuel while on the air
Possible Causes: If the engine operates normally on the ground but turns out to be unstable in the air especially when the altitude changes, this is the most frequent situation when the carburetor pops out the cowling.
Resolves : 1. Install additional cowling in front of the carburetor
2. install admission acceleration pipe
Case 3: The engine operated normally but gradually turns out to be unsmooth recently
Possible Causes: The engine operated normally but gradually turns out to be unsmooth recently, please check by following procedures
Check the ignition battery: make sure the voltage and current is still within the normal range.
Check whether the ignition system wiring is complete or not: including the ignition cap and the grounding.
Check the spark plug: replace with a new one if it is already disfunctional.
Check the inner filter of the carburetor: Impurities accumulated in long term services will gradually block this structure which is extremely fine and precise.
It is recommended to dry off the fuel tank after each fight and always make sure the most fresh 90# lead free gasoline is used.
If the engine will rest for a long period, please dry off the fuel tank and rotate the engine to further dry off the fuel left in the carburetor.
Check the spark plug regularly which should be mild brown. The milder the color is, the more is it close to lean fuel while the darker the more to rich fuel.
Check the propeller, make sure it is locked tightly especially the wooden propeller.
Проверьте, правильно ли вы крутили иглы L и H.
Вы два мотора купили или два раза спрашиваете?
Купил в этот раз один мотор. а так у меня два мотора. первый ZDZ40 c ним проблем не было.
Вот мануал для 26-х китайцев. Правда на английском, но думаю будет понятно.
Correct electric ignition time is required for the new electric igniter normal operation.Battery : 4.8-6V
Я не понял, так 6 вольт всеже можно или нет? в родном мануале написано что только 4,8 вольт. на зажигалку
Купил в этот раз один мотор. а так у меня два мотора. первый ZDZ40 c ним проблем не было.
Я не понял, так 6 вольт всеже можно или нет? в родном мануале написано что только 4,8 вольт. на зажигалку
надо4.8v именно так инче может быть спалево 😵
После некоторых мучительных попыток завести мотор с родным карбом, решил поменять карб.
Поставил на него карбюратор от ZDZ40 Мотор завелся сразу. без вопросов и дополнительных настроек.
Вывод: родной карб засрался. Видать было что то в каналах карба, и после того как я иголочку тронул этот мусор и перекрыл гдето канал. Будем теперь чистить его.