rewinding old cd-rom motors for indoor- & park-flyers


First of all my apologies for writing in English, I cannot read or write Russian.

Broken or old cd-rom/dvd/tapestreamer motors can be rewound (brushless) to start a new life in powering indoor- and park-flyers as well as small helicopters (e.g. Ikarus Piccolo). They make for light, durable and powerful motors. I compiled cd-rom conversion discussions/homepages/magnet sources/tricks in this two page thread. The messages there are in English, not Danish:……

Some pictures from

Met vriendelijke groet 😉 Ron van Sommeren
homebuilding brushless e-motors discussiongroup
int. E fly-in & e-motor builders meeting June 27th, Nijmegen, the Netherlands


The two discussions provided in the post above, are probably, together with the three cd-rom homepages (Wolfgang Korosec, John Jackson, Satoru Sasaki) , the two best cd-rom conversion threads/links, highly informative and not that long (see the MOAT, mother of all threads 😉, that one cleared basic questions/problems and did the groundwork for the ‘one hour conversion’ threads, worthwile reading it, when you have the time). They are already part of the compilation I gave in my first post, highlighting them is a good idea.

7 days later
ron_van_sommeren now stocks magnets and cd-rom motors:
“Sanyo CD-ROM Motor - 9-Pole Stator measures 20.25mm dia, 8-plates for total thickness of 3.1mm”

Search the site for ‘magnet’ respectively ‘stator’.

11 days later

You are likely to be an expert in motors. Maybe you have got a good (tested) scheme of controller and hex-codes, for a motor based on CD-rom, so that it would be possible to make the controller using that scheme? If it is posible, could you please send me such a scheme? That would be enormously helpful and I would be extremely thankful to you. It would be excellent if the scheme is based on microchip.

2 months later

HEX коды тоже есть для всех трех PIC-ов


А можно подробнее? Какие параметры, кто разработал…
Есть и датчики Холла, и BEMF…
Что-ли переключать можно?


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Что-то - не переводит, может слишком много символов? Если удастся перевести буду благодарен 😉