Выбор электро митоцикла 1/4?


Вот ещё кое-какая инфа :

the ESC output is 7.4V on both the models.

The Novatec has a fan plug where you can plug the electric flywheel wire.

If you go for the Mtroniks or you get a similar one by yourself, than you
have to take the tension directly from the feeding plug from battery.

In that case I strongly suggest you to use a switch to turn the flywheel
on or off with the battery plugged.

A standard receiver switch can do the job.


Андрюха а мож по русски? а?


In general please consider that we produce the ARX in 2 main model: BASE and PRO. The 2 models differ for few components that in the BASE are in plastic while in the PRO are in aluminum (pls see the catalogue for details). With the exceptions of these elements, the BASE and the PRO are the same.

The BASE and the PRO are available in several versions:

  • Cross and Motard
  • Electric and Nitro
  • with 2 different stabilizing mechanism: mechanical and electric.

The BASE is also available already assembled.

All the bikes can be purchase with or without the electronics (RTR kit).


Вот ещё:

Sorry I wasn’t clear, the ESC has an output of 6V for hte receiver and servo.

The 7.4V output is ONLY for the electric gyro.

The gyro can’t work @ 6V.


Вроде по советам консультанта, этот набор будет самым лучшим. Скорость большая, ускорение чуть слабее, чем на 4400KV, но на заднее всё равно встаёт)) 6000mAh lipo battery @ 7.4V ; 5900KV motor ; 120A Mtroniks Genesis 2 Esc (altogether 230€); ARX-540Pro Kit Electric (cross) with electric hyro.