Автопилот HKPilot Mega V2.5 Flight Controller USB/GYRO/ACC/MAG/BARO


не нашел в инструкции. В каком режиме аппа должна быть?
Для APS 120. Для ардуинки H-1?


не нашел в инструкции. В каком режиме аппа должна быть?
Для APS 120. Для ардуинки H-1?

для футабы Н-1


Подскажите 2.6. с прошивкой 3.1 будет армится без GPS и компаса?
И где можно посмотреть условия арма?


Подскажите 2.6. с прошивкой 3.1 будет армится без GPS и компаса?
И где можно посмотреть условия арма?

по моему без gps армится, без компаса нет, об этом лучше почитать ветку в коптерах про АПМ


Подскажите 2.6. с прошивкой 3.1 будет армится без GPS и компаса?
И где можно посмотреть условия арма?

APM:Copter 3.0.1 (and higher) includes a Pre-arm Safety Check which will prevent your Copter from arming if any of the following issues are present.

  1. Verifies that Radio Calibration has been performed.

  2. Verifies that Accelerometer Calibration has been performed.

  3. Verifies that the Compass is Healthy and communicating properly.

  4. Verifies that Compass Offsets are not too Large (i.e. sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2) < 500).

  5. Verifies that the Compass Live or Log based calibration has been performed or that “COMPASS_LEARN” is on.

  6. Verifies Adequate Compass Magnetic Field Strength: (APM1/APM2 about 330, PX4/Pixhawk about 530)

  7. Verifies that the Barometer is Healthy and communicating properly.

  8. If circular fence is enabled or you are arming in Loiter, the safety check verifies that:

      1. you have GPS Lock
      2. GPS hdop < 2.0 (configurable using GPS_HDOP_GOOD parameter)
      3. ground speed is less than 50cm/s
  9. Verifies that the flight controller board Voltage is between 4.5 and 5.5 volts for APM 1 or APM 2 (Disabled on PX4)

  10. Verifies that Channel 7 and Channel 8 are Not set to control the same function.

  11. If radio failsafe is enabled, checks the throttle channel’s minimum value is not below the FS_THR_VALUE

  12. checks the ANGLE_MAX parameter (i.e. maximum angle the copter will lean over in most modes) is >10deg and <80deg

  13. Checks the radio’s roll, pitch, throttle and yaw min is less than 1300 and max are > 1700

5 months later