Контроллер бесколлекторного DC мотора сделать просто....
Народ, ну а чем плох контроллер Takao Shimizu на at90s2313(2,5 у.е вместо??? ПОЛНОСТЬЮ готовая схема, повторенная и проверенная много раз. Публикую новую прошивку для проца:
;**** A P P L I C A T I O N N O T E A V R ************************
;* Title: Brush-less Sensor-less DC motor speed control
;* Version: 1.2
;* Last Updated: 02.12.20
;* v1.2 Bug found at maximum power control. ZL timer loop counter made no-power out timing.
;* v1.1 Correct the Low-voltage sense level and add the off timing for photo coupler delay compensation.
;* Target: AT90S2313 10MHz
;* Author: Takao Shimizu
;* Support E-mail: shimizutko@nttdata.co.jp, tel:+81-3-3533-9377
;* DESCRIPTION This program is for model airplane Brush-less/Sensor-less DC Hi-Power motor control with usual
;* digital proportional radio control interface.
;* Also, this program has low-voltage sensing, no-signal sensing with keep-run timer(400mS) and
;* no-signal fail safe function.
;* One AT90S2313 can handle all interface lines to drive power FETS, rotor sensing, low voltage and
;* radio connection.
;* To discuss this program’s detail, system hardware schematic is required.
;* Applications are model airplane, boat, hybrid car, home appliance’s motor control …etc.
.equ phase_repeat =128 ;Starting repeat time data in TIMER0 interrupt routine.max 255 (Slowest starting speed)
.equ duty_max =240 ;on-duty timing at maximum power. max. 255
.equ phase_max =4 ;phase timing at maximum speed. frame frq.=CLK/1/256(40kHz)/this value. Consider sampling law.
.equ start_on_duty =64 ;used output on-duty timing routine at starting-up 1 phase only. off_duty=255-(start_on_duty). max. 255
;These values is slightly longer by interrupt machine cycles
.equ uS800=125 ;too short. 900uS/6.4uS T1 control input pulse width measuring resolution
.equ uS1100=173 ;1250uS/6.4uS T1 control input pulse width measuring resolution
.equ uS1900L=296-255 ;1900uS/6.4uS T1 control input pulse width measuring resolution
.equ uS2200=343 ;too long. 2200uS/6.4uS T1 control input pulse width measuring resolution
.equ uS2200L=343-255 ;too long. 2200uS/6.4uS T1 lo byte control input pulse width measuring resolution
.equ hys_hi=20 ;hysterisis threshold hi-level of duty data to avoid jitter at starting control input data
.equ hys_lo=10 ; hysterisis threshold lo-level of duty data to avoid jitter at starting control input data
.DSEG ;Start data segment
.ORG 0x60 ;Set SRAM address to hex 60
RAM_DUTY: .byte 1 ; storage for motor power control duty data
ph_count: .byte 1 ;phase timing repeat counter for starting slow 3-phase sweep frequency generator
temp0: .byte 1 ;general scratch space. used mainly in TIM0 data setting.
temp3: .byte 1 ;general scratch space
correct_pulse_width: .byte 1 ;flag to test control input pulse width. 0:incorrect, 1:correct
RAM_TCNT1H: .byte 1 ;Temp storage space for T1 hi-byte timer data
RAM_TCNT1L: .byte 1 ;Temp storage space for T1 lo-byte timer data
RAM_SHORT: .byte 1 ;motor off control pulse width data from T1 lo-byte timer data
RAM_LONG: .byte 1 ;full motor power control pulse width data from T1 lo-byte timer data
RAM_SENSE: .byte 1 ;sensor data storage space to check very slow rotation
RAM_POT: .byte 1 ;Storage for roundtime loop counter data storage space to check very slow rotation
RAM_HYS: .byte 1 ;slow stick position jitter cancel hysterisis data storage
;***** Registers used by all programs
;******Global variables used by routines
.def temp =r16 ;general scratch space
.def temp1 =r17 ;Mostly used for motor drive pattern. In sound gen. rtoutine, used for general scratch space,
.def temp2 =r18 ;general scratch space, used in INT1 interrupt routine. Do not care the using temp in T1 interrupt.
.def stack =r19 ;store SREG space for interrupt
.def on_time =r20 ;on-duty timing data register
.def r_sense =r21 ;get rotate data from sensors and store here
.def timset =r22 ;Flag for timer over flow
.def phase_tim_count =r23 ;motor phase timing counter
.def duty_time =r24 ;Duty time setting register for timer0
;XL is used as scratch space
;XH is used as scratch space
;YH is used argument in each sub-routine
.incl*ude “2313def.inc”
;****Source code***************************************************
.cseg ;CODE segment
.org 0
rjmp Reset ;Reset handler
nop ;EXT_INT0 unused ext. interrupt Request0
rjmp EXT_INT1 ;EXT_INT1 is used ext. interrupt Request1
nop ;TIM_CAPT1 Timer/Counter1 Capture Event interrupt
nop ;TIM_CAPM1 Timer/Counter1 Capture Match interrupt
nop ;TIM_OVF1 Timer/Counter1 overflow interrupt
rjmp TIM_OVF0 ;TIM_OVF0 Timer/Counter0 overflow interrupt
nop ;UART_RX, UART Rx Complete
nop ;UART_DRE, UART Data register Empty
nop ;UART_TXC, UART Tx Complete
nop ;ANA_COMP Analogue comparator interrupt
RESET: ldi temp, 0xdf ;set stack pointer on adrs. $DF in SRAM area
out SPL,temp
rcall Reset_handler ;all register_settings
rcall get_control_pulse
rcall get_shortest_pulse
rcall get_longest_pulse
rcall get_motor_off_pulse
rcall start_up_setting
start_rotate: ldi phase_tim_count,phase_repeat
sts ph_count,phase_tim_count ;TIMER0 interrupt repeat timing setting
;beep routine charged up the P power pumps.
clr on_time
ldi temp1,0 ;Turn off all output FETs
ldi temp,(1<<TOIE0) ;Enable Timer0 overflow interrupt for output duty power control
out TIMSK,temp
rcall output_on_timer
ldi temp,(0<<TOIE0) ;Disable Timer0 overflow interrupt for output duty power control
out TIMSK,temp
rcall get_control_data ;Start pulse duty depends on this stick position
st_phase0: ldi temp1,0b01100000 ;Turn the UN, VP, W-off Output FETs
rjmp control_sequence ;Sense the rotor position
st_phase1: ldi temp1,0b01001000 ;Turn the UN, V-off, WP
rjmp control_sequence ;
st_phase2: ldi temp1,0b00011000 ;Turn the U-off,VN, WP
rjmp control_sequence
st_phase3: ldi temp1,0b10010000 ;Turn the UP, VN, WP-off
rjmp control_sequence
st_phase4: ldi temp1,0b10000100 ;Turn the UP, V-off, WN
rjmp control_sequence
st_phase5: ldi temp1,0b00100100 ;Turn the U-off,VP, WN
ldi temp,(1<<TOIE0) ;Enable Timer0 overflow interrupt for output duty power control
out TIMSK,temp
rcall output_on_timer ;call OUTPUT on timing pulse generator routine
ldi temp,(0<<TOIE0) ;Disable Timer0 overflow interrupt for output duty power control
out TIMSK,temp
rcall get_control_data
rcall get_sense ;get rotor position
st_phase0a: cpi r_sense,0b00000101
breq st_phase3 ;keep sync
st_phase1a: cpi r_sense,0b00000001
breq st_phase4
st_phase2a: cpi r_sense,0b00000011
breq st_phase5
st_phase3a: cpi r_sense,0b00000010
breq st_phase0
st_phase4a: cpi r_sense,0b00000110
breq st_phase1
st_phase5a: cpi r_sense,0b00000100
breq st_phase2
sense_rotate0: ldi XL, 128 ;check stop rotation or rotor cross position in this about 65k x 1uS(6.5mS)timer
sense_rotate1: ldi temp,0xff
sense_rotate2: dec temp ;Sense again, if the rotor is cross point, very slow, stopping.
breq sense_rotate3
rcall get_sense ;get rotor position
cpi r_sense,0b00000000 ;stop or sense at 3-phase cross point
breq sense_rotate2 ;NEED THE OFFSET OF the rotation sensor comparator
cpi r_sense,0b00000111 ;stop or sense at 3-phase cross point
breq sense_rotate2
rjmp st_phase0a ;Sensed the rotation and keep sync.
sense_rotate3: dec XL
brne sense_rotate1
st_stop: inc phase_tim_count
inc phase_tim_count ;Increase the starting pulse length for more slow starting round.
cpi phase_tim_count,phase_repeat
brlo run_slow ;Branch if lower
ldi phase_tim_count,phase_repeat ;Set to slowest control timing
;ldi phase_tim_count,0xff ;Set to slowest control timing
run_slow: sts ph_count,phase_tim_count ;TIMER0 interrupt repeat timing setting to start
cpi on_time,0 ;Stick off?
breq restart_control ;
ldi on_time,0xfe ;Full power restart in just one phase only
restart_control:cpi temp1,0b00100100 ;if the round stops,
breq st_phase0 ;then next output phase to keep tring rounds
cpi temp1,0b10000100
breq st_phase1
cpi temp1,0b10010000
breq st_phase2
cpi temp1,0b00011000
breq st_phase3
cpi temp1,0b01001000
breq st_phase4
cpi temp1,0b01100000
breq st_phase5
start_problem: rjmp start_rotate ;Something wrong to keep continue
_no_signal_check:rcall no_signal_check
cpi YH,0xa ;find Rx signal?
breq _sense_lo_batt ;“yes”
rcall brake_out
rcall start_up_setting
rjmp motor_off
_sense_lo_batt: rcall sense_lo_batt ;battery low?
rcall get_rx_pulse ;Duty setting Also, this routine incl*udes the pulse width check function
rcall sense_rotor_position ;This routine incl*udes sensor miss-sensing detect function at very slow rotation
ret ;IMPORTANT. “set_off_timer” timing adjusts sensing timing in control
;*** Interrupt routines ***
TIM_OVF0: in stack,SREG ;While this routine uses branch instruction, the status may be changed.
sts temp0,temp
lds temp,ph_count ;phase_max is the minimum timing.
dec temp
breq set_repeat
sts ph_count,temp
out TCNT0,duty_time ;set repeat
in temp2,GIFR ;EXT-INT1 double interrupts?
andi temp2,0b10000000 ;checking the INT1 interrupt flag
brne EXT_INT10
lds temp,temp0
out SREG,stack
set_repeat: inc timset ;Turn on timer over flow flag
cpi phase_tim_count,phase_max
brsh L1
ldi phase_tim_count,phase_max
L1: sts ph_count,phase_tim_count
in temp2,GIFR ;EXT-INT1 double interrupts?
andi temp2,0b10000000 ;checking the INT1 interrupt flag
brne EXT_INT10
lds temp,temp0
out SREG,stack
EXT_INT10: ldi temp2,0 ;
out TCNT1H,temp2 ;Clear T1 16bit timer/counter
out TCNT1L,temp2 ;input pulse width will be counted and captured by falling edge of INT1
out GIFR,temp2 ;Clear INT1 int. flag register
lds temp,temp0
out SREG,stack
EXT_INT1: in stack,SREG ;While this routine uses branch instruction, the status may be changed.
sts temp0,temp
ldi temp2,0 ;
;out PORTB,temp2 ;Output FETs all off for brake point test only
out TCNT1H,temp2 ;Clear T1 16bit timer/counter
out TCNT1L,temp2 ;input pulse width will be counted and captured by falling edge of INT1
in temp2,TIMSK ;TIM_OVF0 enable interrupt?
andi temp2,0b00000010 ;checking the timer0 TOIE0 mask
breq ext1_ret
in temp2,TIFR ;TIM_OVF0 double interrupts?
andi temp2,0b00000010 ;checking the timer0 overflow flag
brne TIM_OVF00
ext1_ret: lds temp,temp0
out SREG,stack
TIM_OVF00: lds temp,ph_count ;(2)timing by phase_tim_count.
dec temp ;(1)
breq set_repeat00
sts ph_count,temp ;(2)
out TCNT0,duty_time ;(1)set repeat
ldi temp2,0 ;(1)
out TIFR,temp2 ;(1)clear timer int. flags
lds temp,temp0
out SREG,stack
set_repeat00: inc timset ;(1)Turn on timer over flow flag
cpi phase_tim_count,phase_max
brsh L2
ldi phase_tim_count,phase_max
L2: sts ph_count,phase_tim_count
ldi temp2,0 ;(1)
out TIFR,temp2 ;(1)clear timer int. flags
lds temp,temp0
out SREG,stack
;**************** motor speed control start routine ********************
start_up_setting: clr on_time ;initial power must be 0
ldi temp,hys_hi ;avoid jitter of control input data
sts RAM_HYS,temp ;by setting the slow speed hysterisis
set_off_check: cpi on_time,0 ;Control off?
breq free_run_tim
set_on_timer: mov duty_time,on_time
com duty_time ;on_time=$FF-(on_time) until overflow
out TCNT0,duty_time
st_pulse_out: rcall P_FET_on_fast
out PORTB,temp1 ;Turn on/off the U,V,W Output transistor
clr timset ;Clear timer0 flag
watch_tim_over: sbrs timset,0 ;Skip here if timer0 overflow is occurred
rjmp watch_tim_over
set_off_timer: rcall P_FET_off_fast
mov duty_time,on_time
out TCNT0,duty_time ;Do not confuse. off-timing is on_time data, until over flow!
tim_set: clr timset ;Clear timer0 timeover flag
off_phase: sbrs timset,0 ;Skip if timer0 overflow is occurred
rjmp off_phase
get_sense: in r_sense,PIND
andi r_sense,0b00000111 ;get rotate data from sensor circuit
P_FET_off_fast: in temp,PORTB ;Turn of all of output FET with photo cuppler delay compasation
andi temp,0b01010111 ;Turn off setting for the UP,VP,WP P-site Output FETs
Pch_deley: out PORTB,temp ;'02/01/11 Photo cupller delay compensation, 2uS for Toshiba TLP521
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
clr temp
out PORTB,temp ;
P_FET_on_fast: mov temp,temp1 ;Turn of all of output FET with photo cuppler delay compasation
andi temp,0b10101011 ;Turn off setting for the UP,VP,WP P-site Output FETs
out PORTB,temp ;'02/01/17 Photo cupller delay compensation, 2uS for Toshiba TLP521
out PORTB,temp ;Turn on the UP,VP,WP P-site Output FETs
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp
out PORTB,temp1 ;Output FETs all off for brake point test
;*** Reset handler ***
;*** to provide initial port, timer and interrupt setting up
Reset_handler: clr temp
out PORTB,temp ;Output FETs all off
ser temp ;set register temp=R16 to “11111111”
out DDRB,temp ;initialize port B as all Outputs
ldi temp,0x00 ;clear temp
out DDRD,temp ;initialize portD as all Inputs
;Timer0 internal clock divide for output motor switching duty resolution
ldi temp,(1<<CS00) ;CLK/1
;ldi temp,(1<<CS01) ;CLK/8
;ldi temp,(1<<CS01)+(1<<CS00) ;CLK/64
;ldi temp,(1<<CS02) ;CLK/256
out TCCR0,temp
;Disable Timer0 overflow interrupt for output duty power control initialize
ldi temp,(0<<TOIE0)
out TIMSK,temp
;Timer1 Timer/Counter1 Control ResisterA(TCCR1A)
clr temp ;no output on pin15(OC1), Off the PWM operation
out TCCR1A,temp
;Timer1 internal clock divide for input power control digital prop. pulse width measuring
;Also, Input Timer1 counts data capture Edge select is “Falling Edge” by ICES1=“0”
;ldi temp,(1<<CS10) ;CLK/1
;ldi temp,(1<<CS11) ;CLK/8
;ldi temp,(1<<CS11)+(1<<CS10)+(1<<ICNC1)+(0<<ICES1) ;CLK/64, 6.4uS resolution + Noise canceller for pin11 ICP
ldi temp,(1<<CS11)+(1<<CS10)+(0<<ICNC1)+(0<<ICES1) ;CLK/64, 6.4uS resolution
;ldi temp,(1<<CS12) ;CLK/256
;ldi temp,(1<<CS10)+(1<<CS12) ;CLK/1024
;ldi temp,(1<<CS11)+(1<<CS12) ;EXT pin T1, falling edge
;ldi temp,(1<<CS11)+(1<<CS10)+(1<<CS12) ;EXT pin T1, rising edge
out TCCR1B,temp
;Interrupt input setting for digital prop. pulse input
;ldi temp,(1<<ISC11) ;the falling edge of INT1 generates IRQ1
ldi temp,(1<<ISC11)+(1<<ISC10) ;the rising edge of INT1 generates IRQ1
out MCUCR,temp
ldi temp,(1<<INT1)
out GIMSK,temp ;Enable INT1 interrupt for Digital Prop. input line
rcall single_beep ;initial powered sound
rcall pulse_in_test ;wait the one sample of control pulse. Possibly noise when TX powered.
rcall pulse_in_test ;wait the one sample of control pulse
rcall pulse_in_test ;wait the one sample of control pulse
rcall pulse_width_check
lds temp,correct_pulse_width ;test control input pulse width by this flag. 0:incorrect, 1:correct
cpi temp,1 ;correct?
brne get_control_pulse ;No. incorrect
get_shortest_pulse: rcall wait_2sec
rcall get_T1_data
lds temp,RAM_TCNT1H ;get T1 hi byte data
cpi temp,0
brne get_shortest_pulse ;short not enough
lds temp,RAM_TCNT1L ;Get motor off control pulse width
cpi temp,uS1100 ;Shorter than 1100uS?
brsh get_shortest_pulse ;short not enough
cpi temp,uS800 ;Shorter than 800uS?
brmi get_shortest_pulse ;Too short
inc temp ;get digital 1 digit margin
inc temp ;get trim 1 digit margin
inc temp ;get 1 digit margin
inc temp ;get 1 digit margin
cpi temp,0x81 ;RAM_SHORT must be more than $80 to avoid more than 8 bit subtract calculate
brmi get_shortest_pulse
sts RAM_SHORT,temp ;Store motor off control pulse width data
rcall po_pi
get_longest_pulse:rcall wait_2sec
rcall wait_2sec
;rcall pulse_width_check
rcall get_T1_data
lds temp,RAM_TCNT1H ;get T1 hi byte data
cpi temp,1
brne get_longest_pulse ;long not enough
lds temp,RAM_TCNT1L ;Get motor full power control pulse width
cpi temp,uS1900L ;longer than 1900uS?
brmi get_longest_pulse ;long not enough
cpi temp,uS2200L ;longer than 2200uS?
brsh get_longest_pulse ;Too long
;brpl get_longest_pulse ;Too long
dec temp ;get digital 1 digit margin
dec temp ;get trim 1 digit margin
dec temp ;get trim 1 digit margin
sts RAM_LONG,temp ;Store motor full power control pulse width data
rcall po_pi
rcall po_pi
get_motor_off_pulse: rcall wait_2sec
rcall pulse_width_check
lds temp,correct_pulse_width ;test control input pulse width by this flag. 0:incorrect, 1:correct
cpi temp,1 ;correct?
brne get_motor_off_pulse ;No. incorrect
lds temp,RAM_TCNT1H ;get T1 hi byte data
cpi temp,0
brne get_motor_off_pulse ;Is the TX stick position motor_off?
lds temp,RAM_TCNT1L ;Get motor off control pulse width
lds ZH,RAM_SHORT ;ZH is used as just temporary register
cp temp,ZH ;Is the TX stick motor off position?
;brpl get_motor_off_pulse ;short not enough
brsh get_motor_off_pulse ;short not enough
rcall po_pi
rcall po_pi
rcall po_pi
no_signal_check:in r_sense,PIND ;
andi r_sense,0b01000000 ;get digital prop. input pulse on pin11(PD6)
mov XH,r_sense ;HX is just scratch
;brne sense_lo_batt ;pulse is “H”, then should not read T1 Timer/Counter
in temp,TCNT1L ;get T1 law lo-byte timer data from T1 timer
in temp,TCNT1H ;get T1 law hi-byte timer data from T1 timer
in r_sense,PIND ;
andi r_sense,0b01000000 ;get digital prop. input pulse on pin11(PD6)
cp XH,r_sense
breq mS400_check
brpl continue_run ;ignore the data at “H” to “L” falling edge of T1 capture timing as spec. says
mS400_check: clc
cpi temp,0xfe ;no-signal over 6.4uS * 255 * 255 = 400mS?
brsh braking ;stop the motor
continue_run: ldi YH,0xa
braking: ldi YH,0xb
brake_out: ldi temp,0b01010100 ;motor Brake out
out PORTB,temp
rcall pulse_in_test ;wait the one sample of control pulse. Possibly noise when TX powered.
rcall pulse_in_test ;wait the one sample of control pulse
rcall pulse_in_test ;wait the one sample of control pulse
sense_lo_batt: in temp,PIND ;
andi temp,0b00100000 ;get power voltage comparator input on pin9(PD5)
breq get_rx_pulse_ ;
about_50mS_tim: ldi temp,0 ;motor free run
out PORTB,temp
rcall pulse_in_test ;wait the one sample of control pulse.
rcall pulse_in_test ;wait the one sample of control pulse
rcall pulse_in_test ;wait the one sample of control pulse
re_check_it: in temp,PIND ;
andi temp,0b00100000 ;get power voltage comparator input on pin9(PD5)
breq get_rx_pulse_ ;
really_low: ldi temp,0 ;motor free run
out PORTB,temp
re_start1: ldi phase_tim_count,phase_repeat ;Set starting 3 phase slow frequency
sts ph_count,phase_tim_count
ldi temp,255
rcall pulse_in_test ;wait the one sample of control pulse.
rcall pulse_in_test ;wait the one sample of control pulse
rcall pulse_in_test ;wait the one sample of control pulse
dec temp ;may 3-5 second
brne wait_a_few_sec
rcall single_beep
final_test: in temp,PIND ;
andi temp,0b00100000 ;get power voltage comparator input on pin9(PD5)
brne final_test
rcall single_beep ;ready go
check_stick_off:rcall get_rx_pulse
cpi on_time,0 ;is the stick position power-off?
brne check_stick_off
get_rx_pulse_: ret
;*** This routine catches the rotor position data
ldi temp,(1<<TOIE0) ;Enable Timer0 overflow interrupt for output duty power control
out TIMSK,temp
;normal_timing: rcall set_off_timer ;IMPORTANT! wait a little time to compensate sensor circuit response time
; rcall set_off_timer
;reduce_timing: rcall set_off_timer ;Whole control timing must be adjusted here and consider power limit
ldi temp,(0<<TOIE0) ;Disable Timer0 overflow interrupt for output duty power control
out TIMSK,temp
duty_setting: lds temp,RAM_duty
cp on_time,temp
brsh set_control_duty ;Branch if same or higher
inc on_time ;Accelate with step by step to limit power current
rjmp check_max_duty
set_control_duty: ;dec on_time ;**************************
mov on_time,temp ;De-accelerate immediately
check_max_duty: clc
cpi on_time,duty_max ;power limiter
brsh set_duty_limit
rjmp dec_phase_tim
set_duty_limit: ldi on_time,duty_max
dec_phase_tim: lds temp,RAM_POT ;'02/02/16
cp temp1,temp ;RAM_POT has previous rotor control data(temp1)
breq same_position ;Rotor position is not rotated, then keep the power timing control
sts RAM_POT,temp1
dec phase_tim_count ;sampling speed up(reduce the Timer0 frame timing) step by step
same_position: clc
cpi phase_tim_count,phase_max
brsh keep_speed
ldi phase_tim_count,phase_max
keep_speed: ret
get_rx_pulse: rcall pulse_width_check
lds temp,correct_pulse_width ;test control input pulse width by this flag. 0:incorrect, 1:correct
cpi temp,1 ;correct?
brne noise_detect ;No. incorrect
lds temp,RAM_TCNT1H ;get T1 hi byte data
cpi temp,0
breq slow_pulse ;Is the TX stick position slow?
hi_pulse: lds temp,RAM_TCNT1L
lds ZH,RAM_LONG ;ZH is used as just temporary register
cp temp,ZH ;Is the TX stick motor full on position?
brsh max_power
lds ZH,RAM_SHORT ;get minimum pulse width
com ZH ;-(minimum pulse width)
lds temp,RAM_TCNT1L
add temp,ZH ;+input pulse width= value of duty data
brmi max_power ;data will be x2 by “lsl”
rjmp set_on_duty
;lsl temp
;sts RAM_DUTY,temp
noise_detect: ret ;
slow_pulse: lds temp,RAM_TCNT1L ;
lds ZH,RAM_SHORT ;Get motor off control pulse width
sub temp,ZH ;Is the TX stick motor off position?
brmi motor_off
breq motor_off
set_on_duty: lsr temp ;erase one digit jitter
lsl temp
;***** this routine makes hysterisis at starting only to avoid very slow start-up sequence
hysterisis_set: ;**************************
;ldi temp,30 ;TEST ONLY
debug: lds ZH,RAM_HYS
cp temp,ZH
brsh set_hys_lo
set_hys_hi: ldi ZH,hys_hi
sts RAM_HYS,ZH ;hysterisis threshold to avoid jitter of control input data
;rjmp set_duty
rjmp motor_off
set_hys_lo: ldi ZH,hys_lo
sts RAM_HYS,ZH ;hysterisis threshold to avoid jitter of control input data
rjmp slow_run
set_duty: lsl temp
sts RAM_DUTY,temp
motor_off: clr on_time
sts RAM_DUTY,on_time
max_power: ldi temp,0xff
sts RAM_DUTY,temp
;ldi on_time,0xff ;test only
pulse_width_check: rcall get_T1_data
lds temp,RAM_TCNT1H
cpi temp,0x01 ;Check the longest in-put control data.
breq long_pulse_test ;over 1.63mS?
cpi temp,0
breq short_pulse_test ;less than 0.8mS?
rjmp wait_control_in ;too long incorrect pulse width(over 2.3mS)
long_pulse_test: lds temp,RAM_TCNT1L ;get input power control pulse width low-byte data from INT1
cpi temp,uS2200L ;Check over 2200uS long in-put control data.
;cpi temp,0x30 ;Check the longest in-put control data.
;brpl wait_control_in ;too long incorrect pulse width(over 2.3mS)
brsh wait_control_in ;too long incorrect pulse width(over 2.3mS)
rjmp OK_input
short_pulse_test:lds temp,RAM_TCNT1L ;get input power control pulse width low-byte data from INT1
cpi temp,uS800 ;too short incorrect pulse width(less than 0.9mS)?
;cpi temp,0xA0 ;too short incorrect pulse width(less than 0.9mS)?
brmi wait_control_in ;bad data
OK_input: ldi temp,1
sts correct_pulse_width,temp ;OK. set “OK” Flag to RUN
wait_control_in:clr temp
sts correct_pulse_width,temp ;Incorrect pulse width measured. Set bad Flag
get_T1_data: in temp,PIND ;This routine gets the pulse width counter(T1) capture register data
andi temp,0b01000000 ;get digital prop. input pulse on pin11(PD6)
brne input_hi ;avoid data up-date by falling edge of PD6 as chatter
;interrupt handle routine ;Disable all interrupts to avoid T1 up-date chattering
in temp,ICR1L ;get T1 timer data from T1 capture register
sts RAM_TCNT1L,temp ;Store to the RAM space to calculate
in temp,ICR1H ;get input power control pulse width hi-byte data from T1
sts RAM_TCNT1H,temp ;Store to the RAM space to calculate
;enable all interrupts
input_hi: ret
wait_2sec: ldi temp,80 ;register r_sense can be used in no-rotation mode.
wait_80_frame: rcall pulse_in_test ;wait about 2 sec. by number of sampling control input pulse frame
dec temp
brne wait_80_frame
pulse_in_test: in r_sense,PIND ;This routine checks the pulse width counter(T1)
andi r_sense,0b01000000 ;get digital prop. input pulse on pin11(PD6)
breq pulse_in_test
input_1: in r_sense,PIND
andi r_sense,0b01000000 ;get digital prop. input pulse on pin11(PD6)
brne input_1
input_0: nop ;ensure the ICP T1 capture time
;clr temp
;out PORTB,temp ;Output FETs all off for brake point test only
ret ;get falling edge of input pulse, Then SEE the T1 latched data
single_beep: ldi temp,50 ;Set Sound freq.
beep_0: sts temp3,temp ;Store into the sound freq. data space
ldi temp,30 ;beeping timer setting
beep1b: sts RAM_SENSE,temp
rcall beep_on
lds temp,RAM_SENSE
dec temp
brne beep1b
w_beep: rcall single_beep
ldi temp,100 ;silence timer setting
silence: sts RAM_SENSE,temp
clr temp
rcall silent
lds temp,RAM_SENSE
dec temp
brne silence
rcall single_beep
po_pi: rcall single_beep
ldi temp,20
rcall silent
ldi temp,40 ;“pi” freq. data
rcall beep_0
beep_on: ldi temp1,0b01100000 ;Turn the UN, VP, W-off Output transistor
out PORTB,temp1 ;Turn on/off the UN, VP, W Output transistor
rcall little_timer
ldi temp1,0b10000100 ;Turn the UP, V-off, WN Output transistor
out PORTB,temp1 ;Turn on/off the UN, VP, W Output transistor
rcall little_timer
ldi temp1,0b00011000 ;Turn the U-off,VN, WP Output transistor
out PORTB,temp1 ;Turn on/off the UN, VP, W Output transistor
rcall little_timer
ldi temp1,0b10010000 ;Turn the UP, VN, WP-off Output transistor
out PORTB,temp1 ;Turn on/off the UN, VP, W Output transistor
rcall little_timer
ldi temp1,0b00100100 ;Turn the U-off,VP, WN Output transistor
out PORTB,temp1 ;Turn on/off the UN, VP, W Output transistor
rcall little_timer
ldi temp1,0b01001000 ;Turn the UN, V-off, WP Output transistor
out PORTB,temp1 ;Turn on/off the UN, VP, W Output transistor
rcall little_timer
rcall silent
silent: clr temp1 ;Turn off the U, VP, W Output transistor
out PORTB,temp1
lds temp1,temp3 ;beep off-duty timer data to reduce the waste current.
no_tone: rcall little_timer
rcall little_timer
rcall little_timer
rcall little_timer
dec temp1
brne no_tone
little_timer: lds temp,temp3 ;Sound on Freq. data
beep_on_tim: dec temp
brne beep_on_tim
Кому надо, могу поделиться схемой. Или поищите на гугле…
Блин, да эти сотом ОН И ПЛОХ !
схема - копия джети, (за исключением типа контроллера и оптодрайверов) а софт- называется я тут кое чего кое- как написал, а вы @$тесь сами. я пару месяцев потратил на детальную разборку алгоритма- там даже опережения нормального нет- не говоря о корректном старте и том, что процедура старта выполняется всего 1 раз- при повторном давании газа взрываются ключи, мотор и RUN-а не выходит. и шим , равный 1, получить принципиально нельзя- из за времени реакции на прерывание…
за то автокалибровок и бипов- хоть отбавляй.
Прогони ее в AVR студио хотя бы, и посмотри, что выходит!
мне было легче написать свою программу
, выдрав от сюда таблицы коммутации и “болванку” для алгоритма переключения
Сергей . pp_serj@ mail.ru
Расскажу о своем - разбираться в вышеизложенном было лень и сделал свое на 8535 по своему. Результат - опробовалс десяток вариантов управления - на каждуй алгоритм 2-3 часа. Потом перешел на мощный движок FUN 480-47 Ri = 0.0074 Ohm. При сопротивлении ключей 2*6 mOhm заставил все это работать. При правильном описании вращения процедура старта почти не нужна!!! Ну и соот-но все на лодке сейчас гоняю fsr-eco. Из всего вышесказанногосогласен с высказыванием "Дорогу осилит идущий… " - остальное дело техники, а не мое.
Конечно, двухполюсник разогнать - не фиг делать, пару раз пнул, и готово. а вот многополюсник с внешним ротором и тяжеленным пропеллером- это да… без правильного старта обойтись никак нельзя, разве что руками крутнуть, как двс 😃 только заводится всегда с первого раза будет…
Сергей. pp_serj@mail.ru
Понятно, что чем больше момент инерции, то тем сложнее разогнать, а на двухполюсник если винт поставить баааалшой, то и с ним та же проблема. Нужен подхват нормальный и минимальные обороты такие, чтобы движок с не очень большим током начинал крутиться. Точнее надо начинать с тех оборотов, на которых потребляемый ток не более, чем 2-3 раза выше холостого.
Ага :rolleys:
2 Александр - лучше не теряй времени на это и построй нормальный пароход- сам ведь на Kontronic катался, и вроде неплохо… 😃
2 Сергей - лучше не теряй времени на это и построй нормальный самолёт - сам ведь на Jeti летал, и вроде неплохо… 😃
Игорь болванку я почти вылизал новенькую , к тебе вопрос не в тему - каким разделителем пользуешься?
А про контнтроник мысли следующие - исполнение у него просто класс, но стартовать на 1,5 секунды позже мне не понравилось. На своем я уже сделал нормальный старт
Если все хорошо работает, может поделитесь схемой-прошивкой?
А то хайволть моторы делает - а с контролерами туго.
Или это коммерческая тайна?
извините но выложить не могу дорого дался. Могу за дешево отдать нонешний ~50 грамм весу на35 ампер гонял - 45$, новый вариант готовлю, но пока печаток нет
To RRteam:
А я и не делаю больше, мне джети хватает, я моторы теперь делаю.
А на фан сделать пришлось, потому что не было в продаже тогда понимающего литий контроллера весом в 4 г…
Сейчас-то я Castle Creations куплю и думать не буду.
Сейчас-то я Castle Creations куплю и думать не буду.
вот и я подумал, подумал, да и взял CC phoenix 25 вместо jeti.
и всего 70$ c учётом того, что он может.
Утверждают на сайте MICROCHIP. Представлена подробная подборка принципа работы, программного обеспечения, алгоритмы, прошивки, стенд для проверки. Для тех, кто разбирается, по-моему, то, что надо.
PDF и ZIP(софт) выложил в обменник чата для тех кому лень скачивать.
Возможно это “маслице в огонь” согреет энтузиастов и мы увидим достойный результат.
Как говорится: “Это Вы Можете”!
Попрошу не пинать, но вот здеся
есть всего лишь магазин для программаторов для процессоров PIC для контроллеров для управления вашим двигателем для вертолёта 😎
Ага, а всё остальное придётся делать самому. 😆