Ask for assistance - Попросите помощь


I come from Germany and am a ship’s model farmer.
I look for designs and pictures of the project 1041,0, 1241,2 and 1239.
Help me can someone from you?
Unfortunately no documents are to be received in addition in Germany.
Perhaps we can also exchange ourselves.
Property some documents of GDR ships.

Olaf thanks

я прихожу от Германии и am хуторянин корабля модельный.
Я look for конструкции и изображения проекта 1041.0, 1241.2 и 1239.
Помогите мне чонсервная банка кто-то от вас?
Несчастливо никакие документы не быть полученным in addition в Германии. Возможно мы можем также обменять.
Свойство некоторые документы кораблей ГДР.

Спасибо Olaf


Thanks for the assistance.
I already know your web page.
I had sent you already times a E-Mail.
I had seen only the picture of you and the RBU-6000.
On such ship I had spent my army time in the GDR.
I saw the pictures of your models also and know the designs I also, since I have the newspaper “Modellbau Heute” also partially.
The models are very well built. Super!
On My Webpageyou can see some my work. Unfortunately it is only in German.

My E-Mail address is

Olaf thanks


There are photo and sideview of the project 1239 (dergach).
I also try to find drawings of 1241.2 (pauk). I’ll e-mail to you, if i’ll find it.

Вот фото и боковой вид проекта 1239.
Также попробую найти и выслать чертежи на 1241.2 (pauk)



Thanks for the mad pictures and the design. Even if I can help you, then announce you.

Olaf thanks


Danke auch an Dich.




Thanks for the mad pictures and the design. Even if I can help you, then announce you.

Olaf thanks


Thanks also to you




Thanks for the mad pictures and the design. Even if I can help you, then announce you.

Olaf thanks

Danke auch an Dich.



Thanks for the mad pictures and the design. Even if I can help you, then announce you.

Olaf thanks

Thanks also to you


Hallo Olaf!
Mad ist zwar auch “toll”, doch in englischem hat das Wort eine ganz andere Bedeutung😁 . Du solltest vielleicht “nice” in diesem Kontext verwenden.
Провет Олаф!
Слово “mad” переводится немного по-другому, чем его аналог из немецкого “toll”. Ты мог-бы применять “nice”.
Gugst Du auch Hier: Forum Rus-Deu

MfG Juri


Danke Juri,

leider ist mein Schulrussisch und -englich nicht mehr das Beste.
Aber es ist halt einen Versuch wert.

Danke dir für den Tip.

Tschau Olaf