Перевод описания настроичных параметров 3G всем миром.


Здорово! Спасибо, что нашел время перевести, собрать и оформить в удобоваримом виде…


Спасибо, что нашел время перевести

Хе-хе…Я В ОТПУСКЕ! 😉 Но надо доделать, до конца как-то, вот бы еще наши “гуры” подключились, толпой точно одолели бы!)))


Other Parameters

Heller mix rate
The cyclic pitch control on RC heliсopters utilizes the bell hiller mixing method.
Hiller rate is equivalent to helicopters stabilizer paddle effectiveness rate.
3G system simulators the effect of Hiller system, but with higher precision and
ho aerodynamic resistance from paddles. Higher Hiller rate result in more stability
in the helicopter, which is suitable for F3C maneuvers on the 3G sustem, the sum
of Bell and Hiller mixing rate should not be lower than 100% and no higher than 150%
Lower Hiller rate results in more direct control with faster response. We recommend
setting of 70% for stability, end 40% for hard 3D type flying. We recommend no going
below 30%, as this would result in helicopter instability.

Bell Mix Rate
In term of stabilizing system, Bell Mixing rate is the ratio between servos and direct link
to cyclic pitch. The higher the rate, the faster the response. On the 3G system, the sum
of Bell and Hiller Mixing rate should not be lower 100%, end no higher than 150%
We recommend setting of 70% for hard 3D type Flying, and 30% for beginners.

Pitch Compensate
During fast forward flight, if collective pitch changes result in helicopter pitching up or down, this value can be increased to alleviate the patchiness of the helicopter.

Swashplate Normalization Speed
This parameter sets how faster its leveled, the easier the helicopter is to control once airbome,
but fast leveling speed may affect helicopters fast forward flight performance.
to improve fast forward flight performance, if there are minimal vibrations on helicopter,
we recommend as low of value as possible without affecting helicopters ability to liftoff.

Cyclic Pitch Compensation
During fast forward flight rolling maneuvers, helicopter pitch up tendencies can be
corrected with this parameter. But over correcting may result in forward/aft oscillation
(bobbing) of the head.


Хиллер-Бэлл уже есть, вот дальше:

Компенсация шага:
Если во время быстрого пролета вперёд, изменение коллективного шага приводит к раскачиванию вертолета вверх-вниз, этот параметр может быть увеличен, чтобы повысить устойчивость вертолета.


Pirouette Optimum Adjustment
This parameter is used to compensate for drifting of the heli during pirouetting maneuvers,
ideal setting would keep the helicopter stationary during pirouetting maneuvers,
and assist the pilot to maintain a straight course during pirouetting forward flight.
But excessive value may result in overcorrection by the 3G system, causing unusual
behaviors in flips and rolls.

Cyclic Pitch Motion Delay
This setting softens the cyclic action, causing the helicopter to resemble closer to
traditional flybar system. Hard 3D Flyers can lower this value, while more docile
type of flying can increase this value.


И после такого набора настроечных параметров народ еще ругает 3G…

“Вы не любите кошек??? Да Вы просто не умеете их готовить!!!”


Мне кажется, что многим легче поскулить на форуме, чем взять один раз на поле ноутбук и потратить один пак на настройки, вот и все, банальная лень 😉


Elevator parameters

Elevator Control Rate
Helicopter flip rate is a personal preference. This parameter is used to compensate
for insufficient flip rate setting no your radio. For example. when the ELE SWASH AFR
is set to the maximum value on your radio, but higher flip rate is still desired, this value
can be increased to achieve even higher flip rate. On the other hand, even though the
radios ELE SWASH AFR can be used for lower flip rate. too low of SWASH AFR value will
reduce command resolution (do not lower past 50%) instead, use this elevator command
compensate parametr to reduce flip rate, while maintaining command resolution.
The actual flip rate after compensation will be displayed in “Command display.”
Note: If the flip rate is still insufficient after increasing this parameter. there may not be
enough cyclic pitch, but not exceeding the maximum pitch as recommended in the manual.

Elevator Total Gain Compensate
A helicopters gain may be attributed to factors such as servo arms length,
helicopter size, etc. This parameter is used to compensate for insufficient ELE gain
setting on your 3G control-unit. For example, when more gain is needed past the
3G control-unit maximum ELE gain setting. User should try to set the aileron gain
compensate value so that the physical dial on 3G control-unit is approximately
in the middle. so the gain resolution is maintained, and there are room for fine
adjustments using the dial.


Elevator parameters

Олег, параметры элеватора, практически идентичны элеронам, т.ч. нет смысла их переводить, имхо 😉
Спасибо за помощь!

1 month later