Flight Power vs Hyperion


Вот на сайте Aircrafta появился прикольный текст (ниже). В двух словах - и FP и Hyperion собирают свои батарейки из элементов фирмы Enerland. Так вот якобы FP заявил, что hyperion берет плохие элеменеты для своих батареек, а FP - хорошие. Aircraft протестил и то и другое, получилось наоборот:)

Fact vs Fiction

It has come to our attention recently that FlightPower representatives at various venues across the world have recently been making inaccurate statements about Hyperion/Enerland vs. FlightPower/Enerland cells and packs.

Apparently, FlightPower representatives are claiming that FlightPower owns a major stake in Enerland. This is not true.

On basis of this claimed “major stake”, FlightPower representatives say that Flightpower is entitled to the “best” cells from Enerland, and that Hyperion gets lower quality cells. This is not true, nor even possible, nor would it be in Enerland’s best interest to do so even if it were possible.

Enerland has worked VERY hard in the past years to perfect their manufacturing techniques. Enerland also applies the most stringent QC standards to their cells. As a result, the current production of Enerland cells are extremely well matched in voltage and capacity, to a rather amazing degree. And yields are very high, meaning that there are very few ‘bad’ cells, and those few that are found bad are fundamentally flawed (not just a little low in voltage, etc).

Enerland is a fine company, with honest, smart sales staff and an eye on the future. They know it can only be in their interest to be sure that ALL cells are released very closely matched and conforming to ratings. Therefore only those cells which meet these highest standards are sold into the market, regardless of the buyer.

Ironically, in our tests between Flightpower and Hyperion version packs, Hyperion packs on average have had considerably better performance. We are not sure why, but suspect that our heatless wide-area sonic welding technique may be responsible for lower IR and because it cannot damage the cells.

We are disappointed in this back-stabbing style of marketing that FlightPower has opted to pursue, and for the necessity of correcting their misinformation campaign in public. I do hope that FlightPower will choose to take the higher road from here out.

Please feel free to repost this message in any forum worldwide, and even translate to other languages if you are sure you can convey the information accurately.

Best Regards,



We are not sure why, but suspect that our heatless wide-area sonic welding technique may be responsible for lower IR and because it cannot damage the cells.

То-есть это Hyperion написали?


Я так понял, да. Пишут, что соединяют элементы с помощью ультразвуковой сварки, без нагрева. Надо будет старый гиперион разобрать, потаращиться на волшебную технологию:)


Я так понял, да. Пишут, что соединяют элементы с помощью ультразвуковой сварки, без нагрева. Надо будет старый гиперион разобрать, потаращиться на волшебную технологию:)

Нет никакой “волшебной” технологии. Я в 1998 году , после увольнения из армии работал наладчиком аппаратов ультразвуковой сварки. Варили они микросхемы … всё примитивно и просто, вибрирующий инструмент придавливает свариваемые поверхности и “размазывает” их . Происходит сварка методом диффузии.


Тут обсуждали.

Так никто из Гипериона не говорит, что эта технология “волшебная”, всего лишь “без нагрева элементов”.