Su-35 360 VT


У китайцев много нестыковок в документации. Табличку внизу страницы посмотри, там более реалистичные данные. По ним выходит 955 ват. Да и думается, что если KV незначительно поднять, то должно выдержать. Запас по прочности должен быть хотябы по тому, что точно никто его не считает.

PS Где только искать информацию по моторам на замену…


Диамерт мотора больше, скорее всего не влезет


Полазил-поискал где знал. Все подходящие моторы под 29мм. ППЦ какой-то. Вот например:

  • Outside Diameter : 29.4mm
  • Total Length : 60.0mm
  • Weight : 173g
  • Motor Shaft Dia : 4.0mm
  • No. Of Magnet Poles : 4
  • Kv : 2800 rpm / V
  • Power : 1500W Max
  • Working Voltage : 14.8v - 22.2v
    Test Data:
    70mm (5 Blade) + IR550-2800-32 Motor + 22.2v Static Thrust: 2050g 57A

Но не факт, что штатная крыльчатка выдержит


Полазил-поискал где знал. Все подходящие моторы под 29мм. ППЦ какой-то. Вот например:

  • Outside Diameter : 29.4mm
  • Total Length : 60.0mm
  • Weight : 173g
  • Motor Shaft Dia : 4.0mm
  • No. Of Magnet Poles : 4
  • Kv : 2800 rpm / V
  • Power : 1500W Max
  • Working Voltage : 14.8v - 22.2v
    Test Data:
    70mm (5 Blade) + IR550-2800-32 Motor + 22.2v Static Thrust: 2050g 57A

Но не факт, что штатная крыльчатка выдержит

Занятный экземпляр. Правда они там пишут что 29 мм гарантированно не влезит в обычные 70 мм импеллеры. Но вместе с ним продают металлический корпус под него. И судя по всему штатная крыльчатка выдержит, либо можно на этом же сакйте прикупить 10 лопастных крыльчаток. Правда становиться непонятно, чем этот вариант будет лучше того, что я уже прикупил.


Подскажите, в стоке какие разьемы под акк идут? 4мм или 5,5мм?


Дык мне акки какие брать?

6S 45С 4500мА


Это я понял. Там есть акки с разьемом с 4,5мм и 5,5мм


Обычно акки под разъемы на регуле не подбирают. Часто и на аккках, и на регуле перепаивают разъмы под те разъмы, ка
какие больше кому нравятся по различным объективным и субъективным причинам. Паяльник тока нужен не менее 60Вт, а то замучаетесь паять.


Я тому и разговор подвожу. Что бы ничего не перепаивать взять акки с нужными разьемами


Я тому и разговор подвожу. Что бы ничего не перепаивать взять акки с нужными разьемами

Это вы зря надеетесь. От пояльника еще ни один моделист не уходил 😃 Да и не такое это уж и богомерзкое занятие - разъемы напаять.


Да не в этом дело, паяльник умею в руках держать. Если есть возможность взять то что нужно, почему не взять? К примеру у вас сгорел какой то датчик в машине, вы идете в магазин. Лежат 2 похожих, одной фирмы. Один точно ваш, поставил и поехал, другой почти подходит только вот надо 2 провода перепоять дома. Цена одна и таже. Какой возьмете? Понимаете о чем я? :)Или нет. Ладно проехали


Все фирменные аккумуляторы как правило без разъемов продаются. На хобикинге часто идут распаянные, но периодически проскакивают сообщения, что качество пайки плохое, лучше перепаять. И у меня еще не разу не было, что-бы распаенны были те разъемы, которые мне нужны 😃 То сажают папу и маму, а мне 2 мамы нужны, то вообще с диаметром не попадают.


Аком хорош! еще бы узнать как он отработает свою цену


Чудес не будет 😃 но и китайской лотереи не предвидится. Для того чтобы такой аккомулятор себя показал, надо будет еще и моторы и импеллеры менять

18 days later

Hello Alejandro!
Welcome to russian forum. Thank you for your film. I think it is the best film about Su-35. It will be very helpful if you share information about composition of your aircraft ( engines, battery, ESC and so on). What is the distance to gravity center? What is deviation of control surfaces and thrust vector control? Maybe you can give some recommendation how to fly in slow speed and at high angle of attack.
We are waiting for your reply.

I’m very sorry that I haven’t answered until now. I have stoped receiving mail notifications from the forum for some unknown reason so I didn’t see I was being answered! 😮

Thanks for the kind words!
I will share my plane setup and experience 😉

This is my current setup for the plane:

SU-35 09/03/2013

Plane + Rx Battery: 2460g
Main battery: 805g
TOW: 3265g

CG (with gear out)
145mm from CG to wing LE on wing-fuselage joint
170mm from CG to wing LE on wing’s LE end against body

Tailerons trim between -7.5mm / -10mm under wood vertical stabilizer line (aprox)

Dual-Rates / Expos (Futaba T8UP transmitter):
AIL 50/100 -65/-65
ELE 55/100 -40/-45
RUD 70/100 -20/-30

Everyting is stock save for this exceptions:

Main landing gear struts replaced for freewing’s eurofighter trailing link struts.
ESCs fried and replaced them for 70A ESCs from hobbyking, can’t remember the exact model but I can search it.
I put separate wires for Tailerons so that I can use them both for pitch and roll. This is very important for maneuverability!
Reinforced structure for nose gear with balsa wood and epoxy.
I now use an external 15A UBEC from hobbyking to power the receiver and servos separately from engines.
Rx battery → LiPo 2S 600mAh
Main Battery → LiPo 6S 5000mAh
I use 30C and 40C haiyin batteries for the ducted fans, these are fairly priced and great performance, better than Zippys and probably nanotechs too.

In the future I want to replace taileron servos for better quality ones with more precission (Centering and resolution).
I am about to change the stock motors and fans for Lander 68mm 6S counter rotating DPS units. Will try them this weekend if lucky!

As for the travel limits:
Tailerons: I use the maximum deflection allowed by mechanical limits.
Ailerons and rudders: About 30º each direction.
TV: maximum deflection allowed by freewing stock servos.

I often fly on low rates for ailerons and high rates for pitch and yaw, although I set everyting to low rates for landing!

I am using three gyros on the plane (GWS PG-03) that don’t need a sensitivity channel. I used to have them on tailerons for roll and pitch and on TV + rudders for yaw but I needed external delta mixers (V-tail) and these broke over time.

Then I changed them and now I am using 2 of them on separate TV units just for roll (No external Delta mixer!) and the other remains in yaw.

It was more stable in the first setup but it is difficult to adjust and can make the plane VERY UNSTABLE at high speeds! On TV they have a more linear response and can be set easily but is not so much effective. Now I need to put one more on tailerons for pitch at least because it’s easier to fly high alpha and it better holds angle of attack when landing!

I should buy a better quality gyro for this task!

This are my latest videos of the model, I hope you will enjoy them too 😉

Best regards to everyone!


As for flight advices, this plane is pretty easy to fly, the only concerns are take-off / landing and lack of power for 3D maneuvers and high alpha.

Take-off: If you have a paved runway there’s no problem at all just get speed and pull up gently. On non paved and grass runways you have a lot of drag and the plane reaches a lower limit speed on the ground. To be able to take off You usually need a huge deflection of elevator on a quick impulse (If you leave the elevator up, it creates even more drag). So better leave TV nozzles active with full rates and pull up hard when plane speeds up. To avoid entering a low altitude cobra (Not a good thing!) release pressure on elevator as soon as the Sukhoi starts to rotate. You may need to press the nose down after take off to level plane and gather speed, be aware not to crash!
If you can program your Transmitter, optimum setup for take off would be FULL TV pitch up and half tailerons deflection. This is because if you have full tailerons deflection, it only creates force at the begining, then they stop producing lift and create drag that do not help the plane rotate (Detached flow on taileron surface). But if the plane manages to rotate, then tailerons effective AoA decreases and flow attaches again, producing more lift efficiency and suddenly making the plane pitch wildly upwards, maybe entering a cobra (It has happened to me a couple of times). With half deflection you limit the “unwanted cobra” risk and probably generate more turning momentum than with full deflection. Full deflection is needed for crazy 3D maneuvers only 😉

Landing: Set all rates to low. Raise nose and keep some 15-30º AoA nose-up attitude at all times. Let the plane loose altitude slowly. Pull a bit more before touch down to further slow down the plane but try not to stall! If you do this too early the plane will gain altitude instead of landing. You need to give a bit of throttle and lower the nose a bit to prevent it from stalling. Take care to remove throttle as soon as the plane lands to avoid sucking debris and damaging the ducted fans.

3D maneuvers: It is very personal, try always first at high altitude and you can later repeat them lower when you gain confidence.

high alpha: Keep nose up pulling on elevator. TV always on. Try not to touch ailerons, make corrections very carefully with rudders. If plane starts twisting out of control, lower the nose and give power, do not try to compensate with ailerons if the plane’s nose is still looking up. Be careful when you start this maneuver too low since it takes time and full throttle to recover the plane to a normal flying attitude again!

Flat spin: Stall the plane and use maximum elevator and rudder deflection with full trottle to enter spin. Regulate spin speed with throttle. DO NOT touch ailerons at any time!

All of this is what I do when flying but you may find better ways to do it
Each one has its own way to fly!

Philosophy of flight: Since this plane tends to be underpowered (less than 1:1 Thrust to weight ratio) it’s good to learn to fly in terms of energy. Especially more if you want to fly 3D. So, speed and altitude are always your friends, you can always convert speed into altitude and altitude into speed, so before you start a high energy consuming maneuver like a cobra, or a drifted snap roll, you better first gain speed either accelerating or diving. After accomplising a maneuver the easiest way to recover speed is diving but you can only do this if you started high, otherwise you rely solely on motor thrust to recover lost energy. So try not to risk dangerous maneuvers at the end of flight!

A couple of pictures for the nose gear reinforcement mod:
(Balsa wood + fiberglass + Epoxi)

The main landing gear replacement (Though I am using a less diameter wheel)

And finally the current and previous electronic setup: